Tuesday, June 23, 2009

ER Visit

Last night before bed Zack started complaining of an earache - how nice.

I was glad when he fell asleep without much difficulty.  

Then the alarm went off at 2:00 AM and woke us all up.  Lovely.

There was no going back to sleep after that.  Zack was quite uncomfortable and unhappy! I gave him some Tylenol but it had little effect. So, at 3:30 I gave him another one and he crawled into bed with me and I rubbed his back.

He finally drifted off about 4:00 and then we all slept until 8:30.  I knew immediately after he got up that something was wrong because there was blood from his ear on his pillow.

We found the local emergency room where he was diagnosed with an ear infection and a ruptured ear drum.

We decided to pay a short visit to the museum and I am so happy that we did because it was really interesting.  I could easily have spent hours more there.  

We found a Burger King for lunch and then drove home.

Now, it is close to midnight and we are still awake because Zack's ear hurts.  God forbid he should take the Tylenol with codeine he has because it's a liquid! What a kid.

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