Thursday, June 18, 2009

Just When You Think You've Seen It All

Last night I took Zack to the pool, as I have been doing every night since we got here.  He will usually swim about 1/2 to an hour, depending on if there are any other kids at the pool to play with, and then we finish off the night with about 20 minutes in the hot tub. 

We were there about 15 minutes when a large group of people ( men, women, and children) came out of the clubhouse.  However, only the children had swimsuits on...the men and women were dressed up - like in dresses, skirts, or ties. 

The situation soon turned ridulous as the men began throwing fully clothed women into the pool and one of the children nearly drowned when she wandered off the step she had been sitting on.

But the moment I had FINALLY had enough was when one of the little boys (about 3-4 years old) vomited all over the sidewalk and his parents picked him up by the arms and dipped him in the pool to "wash him off!" the moment I quickly grabbed my child and we left. 

I found out today, that this group was there for a funeral, people!!!!! This was a dinner gathering after a funeral!!!!!


This was the talk of the community today as you can only imagine the clean-up that needed to be done in that pool.

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