Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Beach For the Day

Today we drove to Daytona Beach to meet up with some friends for the day.  

They were staying at one of the hotels on the beach so the kids could alternate between swimming in the ocean and the hotel pool.

There were lots of kids around Zack's age to play with but poor Zack couldn't go under water because of his ear.  He handled it pretty well though.  

It was a nice day.

Today is also hubby's and my 4th wedding anniversary.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

ER Visit

Last night before bed Zack started complaining of an earache - how nice.

I was glad when he fell asleep without much difficulty.  

Then the alarm went off at 2:00 AM and woke us all up.  Lovely.

There was no going back to sleep after that.  Zack was quite uncomfortable and unhappy! I gave him some Tylenol but it had little effect. So, at 3:30 I gave him another one and he crawled into bed with me and I rubbed his back.

He finally drifted off about 4:00 and then we all slept until 8:30.  I knew immediately after he got up that something was wrong because there was blood from his ear on his pillow.

We found the local emergency room where he was diagnosed with an ear infection and a ruptured ear drum.

We decided to pay a short visit to the museum and I am so happy that we did because it was really interesting.  I could easily have spent hours more there.  

We found a Burger King for lunch and then drove home.

Now, it is close to midnight and we are still awake because Zack's ear hurts.  God forbid he should take the Tylenol with codeine he has because it's a liquid! What a kid.

Of Course...the ER

Don't you just love motel alarm clocks that go off at 2:30 in the morning? 

After the sudden awakening, Zack could not get back to sleep because his ear hurt...Finally, at 4:00 am I gave him a tylenol PM (all I had) and let him crawl in bed with me and he was out by 4:30.  Then, we all slept until 8:30.

And it was not a lovely scene to awaken to... blood all over the nice white motel pillow case where his ear had been resting.

So...down at the breakfast buffet I asked where the nearest ER was and we took a nice, scenic, 20 minute-out-of-our-way drive.

No big suprise that he had a perferated ear (again) and the other ear looked pretty bad too.

After we left the ER we decided to go through with our plans to visit the Astronaut Hall of Fame anyway.  And I'm so glad we did.  It was good.  We only stayed for a couple hours and then ate at a Burger King before driving back to Flagler Beach.  

Bedtime was another wonderful experience.  Zack could not get comfortable - even with Tylenol - and he was being ultra stubborn about taking the Tylenol with codeine he got at the ER because it was a liquid and not a pill!  But, finally, mom won out...and we were finally able to sleep by 12:30 am.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Short Side Trip

Despite the ridiculously hot temperatures (even for Florida) mom and I decided to take Zack over to the Space Coast to visit the Kennedy Space Center and the Space Museum.

We left about 9:30, stopped in Titusville on the way to get a motel room, and then spent the day at the Space Center.

We saw two Imax movies, had lunch, and took a bus tour.  I was pretty disappointed that the show at the Saturn V Rocket Center was closed.  It relives the moments before Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon.  I would have loved for Zack to see it.

Before we left we did some shopping in the gift shop and Zack was able to get his picture taken with an astronaut.  

Dinner was at Cracker Barrel and then I took Zack swimming.

Space Center

Leave it to us to pick the hottest day of the year to do this...but today we ventured down to the Space Coast to visit the Kennedy Space Center. 

We stopped on the way and checked into our motel room, unloaded our luggage, and then went to spend the day touring. 

We watched both Imax movies and also took the 3 hour bus tour.  The biggest disappointment was that the best show at the Saturn V Rocket Center was closed for refurbishment.  The biggest plus, the shuttle was on the launch pad for viewing. The biggest shock was that mom went on the new motion simulator ride with us!

After we were all good and sweaty we decided to make a swing by the gift shop before leaving.  Zack got his picture taken with an astronaut. 

We went to Cracker Barrel for dinner. Yummy.  And then I took Zack down to the pool so he could swim.  I'm surprised he actually got in seeing as there was a huge worm (almost snake looking)creature at the bottom of the pool. Trust me, it was creepy - but also probably dead. 

After a shower and we were ready for bed Zack started complaining of an ear ache - wonderful!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Just When You Think You've Seen It All

Last night I took Zack to the pool, as I have been doing every night since we got here.  He will usually swim about 1/2 to an hour, depending on if there are any other kids at the pool to play with, and then we finish off the night with about 20 minutes in the hot tub. 

We were there about 15 minutes when a large group of people ( men, women, and children) came out of the clubhouse.  However, only the children had swimsuits on...the men and women were dressed up - like in dresses, skirts, or ties. 

The situation soon turned ridulous as the men began throwing fully clothed women into the pool and one of the children nearly drowned when she wandered off the step she had been sitting on.

But the moment I had FINALLY had enough was when one of the little boys (about 3-4 years old) vomited all over the sidewalk and his parents picked him up by the arms and dipped him in the pool to "wash him off!" the moment I quickly grabbed my child and we left. 

I found out today, that this group was there for a funeral, people!!!!! This was a dinner gathering after a funeral!!!!!


This was the talk of the community today as you can only imagine the clean-up that needed to be done in that pool.

Friday, June 12, 2009

A Different Kind of Summer

We arrived in Florida last night.

We are spending the next 6 weeks here so that we can be here for C.J.'s 18th birthday on July 11th. 

The drive went pretty well, except for getting lost around Indianapolis when we were telling stories and laughing so hard that I completely missed the interstate turnoff.  I noticed, after about fifteen minutes, that the mile markers were going the wrong way so we pulled off at a Culver's for lunch and then doubled back and got on I65 south again. 

Plans for the next 6 weeks include: lots of time at the pool, nights in the hot tub, a couple visits to the mall, an overnight trip to Kennedy Space Center, a visit to the campus of North Florida University (Jacksonville), and, of course, a trip to Universal Studios on C.J.'s birthday. 

The Grief Train

  To inject some kind of light-heartedness into our situation, I like to say that the grief train paid us a visit and just will not leave!  ...