Saturday, January 14, 2012

Life...and Whatever Else

The picture was taken a couple days ago when the temps were reasonable and there was no snow.  At present, we have a bit of snow on the ground and the temps are in the normal range.  However, it seems there are warmer temps on the horizon.

Zack just finished his first final exams.  The middle/high school has two days at the end of each semester devoted specifically for final exams.  He got A's on his Math, Bible, Science, and Computer finals, and a B on his History final.  Pretty proud of him.

Jon flew back from Florida yesterday.  He will spend a week here before I have to take him back to college to begin his Spring semester.  Unfortunately,  he also brought sickness home with him.  He is having stomach issues and after a visit to the doctor yesterday we got a diagnosis of norovirus.  He also had some blood in his urine (which they couldn't really explain) and had a ton of  ketones which means he was very dehydrated.  So now we are trying to keep him drinking Gatorade... but that's not so easy when he's been sleeping almost constantly for the past 16 hours.

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