Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

This will be short as I am about to leave for Daytona Beach to pick up my sister.  We will gather as a family for the evening, along with a couple who are friends with my parents, and are having a small prayer service along with food, drink, and christmas carols.. oh yeah.. and the opening of presents (which is Zack's favorite).  Tomorrow Chris and the boys will come over form Orlando for the day and my mom makes a traditional Thanksgiving dinner (because I miss that).  Then, at night, I may take Zack to the theater to see the Dawn Treader.

I have pictures will have to wait until Sunday when I go to the Ale House to watch the Packers play so that I can use their internet.

 Until then, I hope everyone has a very blessed Christmas and celebrate the fact that God sent his Son to save us from death!  He came as a baby... and he came for YOU... and me!

Merry Christmas

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