Friday, December 10, 2010

Another Day... Another Game

Thursday Night
The above pictures were taken at halftime when our boys were losing 12 - 8.  However, in the second half they had an explosion of points and ended winning by a bunch.  Zack had a great game on defense, as is usual, and earned himself the nickname "velcro-man" by his coach for his ability to "stick" to his man.  However, he still didn't score any points - but came very close.

Friday Night

Another game... and guess who had the first two points of the game?  Yessssss.. he FINALLY scored.  It was a full court steal and lay-up!!  Later in the game, he scored again... and again it was off his own steal, which he passed to the point gaurd.. who passed back to him for the score.  Immediately after that the other team took a time out and Zack got mauled by his teammates which made him feel great.   Besides finally scoring the elusive points, he had about 15 steals and a blocked shot!  He really played an awesome game and has had some extended playing time this week with one post out because of illness and another post out because of grades.

This game was again close at half... tied in fact.. 12-12.  But the seond half was ALL OCS as the ending score was 35-13!  So now they are 4-1 with a 4 game win streak.  And the best thing is... they are getting it done by playing EVERYONE - a lot.  So the victory can be enjoyed by all!

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