Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Another Game

Zack had his third basketball game last night.  The second game was last Tuesday night but I didn't take any pictures during that game... mostly because I was trying to recover from the trip to the game.  Due to a misprint on the game schedule and an e-mail I didn't get (open), we did not know where the game was being played.  And to make a long and stressful story short, we arrived at the game exactly as it was starting.  This also prevented Zack from starting - or playing much of the first half. 

Yesterday was nearly a repeat as I again ended up calling another parent for directions but this time we were able to get there on time.  Zack played very well again and they won the game but he still has not scored any points and is getting anxious.  In fact, it is bordering on frustration so we had a discussion about God's provisions and having a grateful spirit instead of a complaining spirit.  There are many other ways to contribute on a team and he has been doing those (turnovers, rebounds, assists) and the points will come in time.

Going for the rebound

He was guarding #34 - he kept him from scoring

He has two more games this week - tomorrow and Friday - so we will be busy!

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