Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Another Beautiful Day

Weather wise it was almost a carbon copy of yesterday - only a bit windier.  I had pictures but after taking 10 of them I realized that I had forgotten to put the memory card in the camera - dumb... dumb... dumb! 

Anyway, it was decided that today would be Zack's best chance to swim so we began the day with a shopping trip to Bealls for a swimsuit (his were all too small - imagine that)!  So, I finally found a suitable suit plus a couple more Christmas presents... specifically I bought a swimsuit, a gator jersey for Zack, a gator wall decoration for Jon, and a bow and arrow for Zack and paid just $29.00 for everything. 

After lunch I took Zack to the pool where he swam...alone....because no one else was crazy enough to go in the water... for about an hour.  But he had fun... and I took pictures which will never be seen on here.... because of the memory card mishap.

After a great dinner of stir fry, we went to the Town Center and walked around the display of Christmas lights they had.  This is where I realized my memory card was absent... so there are no pictures of that... although I do have some posted from last year when we were here and it was basically the same this year.

Tomorrow Zack and I head over to Orlando to meet up with the other two boys for a day at Universal Studios.  We all get in free courtesy of C.J. who works there.  Ollie gets to stay home with grandma.  It should be a long... but fun... day.  And I've put the memory card back in the camera already.. so hopefully there will be pictures.

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