Friday, June 23, 2023

Another Appointment and Next Steps

 I had an appointment on Wednesday morning at my normal clinic. It was supposed to be with my PCP but I ended up seeing a nurse practitioner *eye roll*. 

I really liked her as well as the one I saw last week so I guess all is well but the medical field in this state just SUCKS!!!  I had a 9:00 appointment and there was only one other patient in the office at the time so...where are the doctors?   They don't make hospital rounds anymore so....hmmm.  Moving on.

My heartrate was down to 88 so the 5-day dose of steroids seem to have worked. I'm not sure why I wasn't discharged with steroids but whatever.  My blood pressure was also good. 

The next step will be for the doctor to find a rheumatologist who can prescribe a round of two of some kind of immunotherapy to tame down my overactive immune system.  I was looking into Otezla.  

We are also just waiting on the blood tests to come back to pinpoint my autoimmune disease. I'm still sticking with Fibromyalgia. I would be very surprised if it were anything else. 

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