Saturday, October 28, 2017

Saturday Interrupted

Saturdays have become quite routine for me and I have come to love them.  I usually work from 10-12 on Saturdays so getting up at 9:15 and rushing out of the house is not always appreciated but, once work is over, its home for a quick walk with the dog, a small something to eat, and then a dramatic flop into bed for a long afternoon nap.  When I wake up, I take Ollie for another walk, put a pizza in the oven, and watch a movie while working on stuff for school.  

Last week on Saturday, in the middle of my afternoon snooze, I got a call that the oldest was on his way to the emergency room with a kidney stone. I decided to forego the nap and went to the hospital to sit with him.  

He was at Orlando Regional Medical Center in downtown Orlando. On the positive, the doctors and nurses were very nice and the personal treatment he received was good.  On the neg. I was pretty clueless as to why, with a 67 room ER department, he was put on a stretcher in the hallway.  

After a CT scan revealed the stone was small and should cause no problems for him, we were able to leave.  The entire 4 hours was spent in the hallway.  

This was C.J.'s second stone and with each one he was fortunate enough to not suffer prolonged pain and was able to pass them without medical intervention.  Jon has also already had one and, judging from the fact that their dad is prone to get stones, it probably will not be their last.  

Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Bane(s) of my Driving Existence

I never had road rage until I moved to Orlando but I swear, driving in this city (and really, the whole state) is enough to make even the mildest of mild mannered people looooooose it!  

Here are a few of my driving pet peeves...and, unfortunately, I experience these on an almost daily basis. 

1.  My number 1 pet peeve is without a single doubt, people who ride the right lane when they are not passing anyone.  And - HELLO people- it is against the law.  I have no problem honking at these people as I pass them on the right.  This, however, embarrasses my kids greatly.  

2. People who see a cop on the side of the road and decide that slowing down to 10+ miles under the speed limit is good idea.  I guess they think they will be issued a speeding ticket for going the speed limit.  

3. People who do/will NOT turn right on a red light.  And I'm not talking about the lights that have 'no turn on red' signs present. I wish I was kidding. UGH.

4. When a light turns green and a driver has like three car spaces between them and the car in front of them because, I am guessing, they don't know which pedal is the accelerator!  In this city where lights last fooorevvver, I say to myself, "three more cars could have gotten through this light."  

5. People who SLOW DOWN when they see a green light.  And OMG it happens all the time.  Again, lights last fooorevvver and I get behind these people that slow down to 30 MPH in a 45 MPH zone. Than, after they are through the light, they speed back up and I am usually left to sit through the a fore mentioned red light that takes fooorevvver.  

6. People who move over and ride a right turn exit only lane in a traffic jam to get a head of a grand total of 5 or 6 cars and then need to get back in the correct lane.  I call them 'the entitled ones'.  

7. Finally, people who weave in and out of traffic on the interstate.  That's how accidents happen people.  And Orlando has multi accidents every single day. 

Well...that about covers it.  Makes my blood boil.  

Monday, October 9, 2017

Our New Family Member

A few weeks ago, when we were visiting my sister in Daytona Beach, a cat walked up to Zack and me as we got out of our car.  We both bent down to pet it and, instead of running away, it could not get close enough to us.  Originally, I thought it was a stray and thought about taking it home but, after talking to my sister, we found out that the cat "belonged" to the man in the apartment upstairs.  

I say "belonged" because she actually was his roommate's cat but the roommate left and, for some reason, did not take her along.  

Yesterday, we went to Daytona again and the cat was again outside.  And, according to my sister, she had been outside for a whole week now not being taken care of.  My sister had taken over feeding her and making sure she had milk and water to drink.  She also had had something similar to scabies that went away after she started to be fed regularly.  

Anyway, long story short, we decided to take her home and love her and give her a good home.  She is a very nice cat.  She is not shy at all and loves to be held and pet.  She purrs constantly.  The only problem is..Ollie.  

Ollie LOVES all living creatures and thinks that they love him too.  He has no regard for personal space and will be overbearing in his offer of friendship so, for now, we are keeping the cat in Zack's room and will occasionally put Ollie in my room with the door shut so she feels safe to explore the rest of the apartment. Sadie

The Grief Train

  To inject some kind of light-heartedness into our situation, I like to say that the grief train paid us a visit and just will not leave!  ...