Thursday, June 29, 2017

Catching Up

Summer is creeping along and I find myself thinking more and more about going back to school.  I guess I am one of those people who thrive living on a schedule.  

I cut my hours at Huntington to Tuesday and Thursday evenings in anticipation of working at Universal on Wednesdays and Saturdays.  I thought this schedule would give me the best balance between work and free time.  The only problem is Universal has yet to put me in the schedule!  I am hoping to be on the schedule next week. 

Zack has started Math tutoring at Huntington so he comes to work with me and has his lessons from 5-6. I  generally work 4-6 or 5-7 and occasionally 4-5:30 or, like today, 4:30-6. It is expensive and I am pretty much working there just to pay for his lessons, but it is vital for him to understand Algebra and, as his mother, it is my responsibility to make sure he does so that he can graduate from High School!  I wish I could hep him but me and algebra = NO WAY!

While Zack and I have been yawn city - party of two - C.J. has been on a trip (his graduation present) to California with his dad *jealous*. I enjoy seeing some of the things they are doing.

They flew into LA, went to Disneyland for a few days, and are now driving up the California coast heading towards San Francisco.  Las Vegas is also on tap before they fly back to Orlando.  

And finally, the weather has improved lately and we are now back to our warm, humid, partly cloudy days, and a quick, passing rainstorm in the evening.  That surely beats the all day rain and the long stretch of days we never saw the sun - like - Not at all.  No exaggeration.  

I guess that's it for now. 

Friday, June 23, 2017

Universal Summer #6

I drove my mom back to Flagler Beach today after she spent the week with us.  Earlier in the month, we were informed that our Universal Comp Passes would not be blacked out until the end of the month so I was able to secure a ticket for my mom and she came with us on Wednesday Night. 

We began the evening in Islands of Adventure. Mom, Zack, and I walked right on Cat in the Hat without any waiting at all and they made all three squeeze into the front and absolutely no one was in the back. 

After that, we met up with CJ and went on Seuss Trolley without much of a wait either (maybe 5 minutes). 

Next up was Reign of Kong.  It was not a busy day so even this ride was only a 5-10 minute wait.  This is the first time we have been in the front seat and the view from there is not good.  You have to turn your head all the way around to see the action.  

How can you not be awe of that giant Kong head?  Passing by it so closely you could reach out and touch it.  

Mom and I sat out while CJ and Zack went on Jurassic Park and then, out of nowhere, the wind picked up and it started thundering and lightning.  Thankfully, it really only lightly sprinkled so we did not get wet.  

We decided it would be a good time to take the train over to Universal and we were put in the same car as a woman who had grown up in Wisconsin.  

The last thing we did was ET - which always seems to be the last thing we do.  Again, virtually no wait time.  

On the way out, it was raining a bit harder but I still had to get Menchies and, for once, they had my favorite flavor - cake batter.  

A yummy way to end the day.  

*** Images from google***

Friday, June 16, 2017

Universal Summer #5

These posts seem all the same but I want to document these evenings just the same.  And perhaps someday, I'll get at least one of my cameras fixed so I will be able to add pictures.  

Anyway, we decided to pick up KFC and eat at home before heading to the park.  There was a very light rain for a bit of the evening but nothing too bad and, unfortunately, not enough to clear out the park!  

I had a backache today and did not want to go on Mummy.  Also, I had to stop into the Comic Strip Cafe (where I work) and give them my availability for the month of July. So, while CJ and Zack went on the Mummy, I walked to the Cafe.  They also had time to do Jimmy Fallon before meeting me at Transformers, which we then rode.  It broke down just as we were at the front of the line but was fixed fairly quickly (10-15 minutes).

Image from google

Then we went over to Men in Black.  I did better than I usually do (72,000) - which isn't saying much - but I did not get the bonus!  I cannot figure that bonus thing out.  I always push the button at the same time but only get the bonus like half the time. Despite no bonus, our car always wins thanks to CJ who always scores well (700,000 +).  Even Zack scored 191,000 last night after getting the bonus.  

After I failed once again at Men in Black, we headed to the Simpsons and then to ET.  Then, we picked up some Menchies and walked back to the car.  

Friday, June 9, 2017


1.  I have jumped on the fidget spinner craze

I have this one:
Image result for goldfidget spinner

I actually bought it for Zack but, for him, the fascination seems to have worn off.  So, one day, it was in the car and I was aggravated because I was, once again, stopped at one of those annoyingly long stop lights so I picked it up and know...spinning it...and all the frustration melted away!  Now, I make sure I have it in the car all the time and when I am stuck at a light forever (like yesterday when I was stopped for 9 minutes on the corner of Sand Lake and Turkey Lake Roads)  I have some entertainment - however mundane.  

2. I haven't cooked a "real" meal in probably 6 months or more.  Zack prefers a routine rotation of food so each week consists of macaroni and cheese, scrambled eggs, noodles with Parmesan cheese , tuna helper, spaghetti, soup, or chicken flavored rice or noodles. On Saturdays we have a frozen Red Baron pepperoni pizza, and on Sundays we have pancakes (and sometimes bacon too).   I found these soups at Publix:

Image result for bear creek soupsRelated imageRelated image

For only $2.00!!!!!!! Just add water!!!  It makes 8 quarts and the soups are delish!!! I have enough to freeze for 2 more meals when I make this.  FOR ONLY $2.00!!!!!! You pay almost that much for one can of Campbell's soup.  

3). It's only the first full week of summer vacation and I am already thinking about and planning for the next school year. Of course I enjoy a nice long break over summer, but I am one of those people who just as much loves the school year (minus getting up early - I am NOT a morning person).  
Image result for schools out for summer

4). I Miss being up north...Iron Mountain to be exact.  We made some great summer memories there.  Three years ago, when we spent the whole summer there, was one of my favorite summers - even though I was completely dreading it. I can tell my mom misses it too because, for the second year, she is in a funk.  I invited her to Orlando (for a change of scenery) and she plans to come back with us after our Father's Day celebration on Sunday.  

And that's all I have for now.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Down to Double Digits

Under 100 days until Halloween Horror Nights begins!   

Two houses have been confirmed so far
1). American Horror Story

- This house will feature content from Season 2: Asylum, Season 3: Coven, and Season 6: Roanoke.  According to the website, they will be using their "largest floor plan- aka the uber maze- to bring to life the three incredibly detailed season." 

2). The Shining

I am so super excited about this one.  This has always been one of my favorite movies - despite the hilariously bad acting by the woman.  Again, according to the Halloween Horror Nights website, "it will be the warped psychological thriller you know and love with a Halloween Horror Nights twist."  And yes...we will be walking into room 237.  

Supposedly, Academy of Villains is returning for another year and, of course, there is always the Bill and Ted Show.  


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Universal Summer #3

I'm still waiting for C.J. to send me the pictures but i wanted to blog about our Sunday evening Universal visit while it is still fresh in my head.  For now, I'll find pictures from google.

We had a quick and cheap dinner at Wendy's before heading into the park. While we were eating, it was absolutely pouring out and I had visions of being drenched by the end of the evening.  But fortunately, it stopped before we entered the park and did not rain for the rest of the evening.  

 It has been a while since we did the Horror Make-up Show so we started with that.  I always enjoy seeing my old HHN friends:

Then we headed over to the new Jimmy Fallon ride.  C.J. had been on it before but it was a first for Zack and me.  

I enjoyed it quite a bit.

After that, we headed over to a ride that I never tire of...the Mummy.

It was not busy at all (summer tourist season hasn't quite started yet), we decided to go on Gringotts and practically walked right on.

Then we made our way over to the Simpson's Ride and took a spin on Kang and Kodos/Twirl and Hurl.

C.J. and Zack went on the kiddie roller coaster - Woody Woodpecker - and then we ended the night with ET.  

We took a little detour on the way out to the parking lot to get some Menchies!!! Always a great idea!

And that is a wrap on evening #3.

***Again, all images were taken from google.***