Sunday, April 23, 2017

This and That

Whoa...people...we are but a week away from May!   With no school on Friday and no school on May 26 or 29, we have 25 days left of school!!!   Just letting that sink in a bit.  

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I feel as if my life lately is one week on rewind.  Teaching, tutoring, and collapsing into bed on Saturday afternoons for a 3 hour nap.  This leaves little time for much else.  One thing I have enjoyed though is C.J. coming over once a week to watch a couple episodes of Breaking Bad.  We've been watching it for probably close to 9 months now and Thursday we watched the final two episodes. The first couple seasons were good, the third season was better, but the last two seasons were amazing!  And I'm sad that it is over.  
Image result for breaking bad

Zack has just finished his junior year Social Studies class and is within a couple assignments of finishing his junior year English class.  So far he has all A's and B's but is currently getting a C in his Math class.   He will be working all summer in his Math and Science classes to get caught up since he still has yet to begin segment (semester) 2 in each of those subjects.  

Image result for i have to go to summer school memes

But don't feel bad for him...he has quite the life doing school whenever he wants to.  

And finally just one more school meme...because I feel like I could say this about 10x a day.

Image result for schools out for summer meme

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