Sunday, July 31, 2016
Saturday, July 30, 2016
The Enigma Known as Zack
A couple days ago Zack mentioned that his right ear was plugged up and he couldn't hear well out of it. It didn't seem to bother him too much so I just thought maybe it was fluid and told him to take some Benadryl before bed and hoped he would wake up the next day and be better...but he wasn't.
The next day (Thursday) he mentioned it a couple more times but other wise seemed okay so, again, I chalked it up to fluid and was hoping it would be something that would just go away on its own.
Then - yesterday! He woke up in a mood!!! He was over it! He wanted it gone and he wanted it gone yesterday! We had plans to meet C.J. and spend the day watching Breaking Bad, go to dinner, and then do our Universal Evening. I was finally able to get him out the door and he settled down for the afternoon but did not want to go to Universal.
On our way home, I stopped at the Dollar Tree and picked up some hydrogen peroxide. When we got home, I put some in his ear and then jumped in the shower while he waited the 5 or 6 minutes it took to stop fizzing. When I got out, he said that it had helped "a little". I thought great. We waited about an hour and did it again.
THEN...out of Zack's mouth on loop
" didn't help at all" and "I can't take this anymore"
He was clearly very miserable but I wanted to prepare him in case there wasn't anything that could be done for him medically. Because visiting the Emergency Room is right up there with getting a root canal on my "fun scale," I tried very hard to convince him to wait until the next day when I could get him to a doctor but he was not having it!
Finally, at 8:50, I caved and we walked out the door on our way to the ER department of Doctor Phillips Hospital.
I just want to take a second and say how impressed I was with their service. When we walked in, we were instructed to go to a section called, "rapid diagnosis" because our complaint was simple. We were seen, diagnosed, treated and were discharged in less than an hour! I've never seen hospitals separate patients based on the ease of diagnosis and treatment before and it was pure genius.
Anyway, the doctor looked into his ear and diagnosed him with an outer ear infection - also known as swimmer's ear. Antibiotics and ear drops should clear it up.
But the surprise came when he looked in his throat...
The conversation went something like this:
Doctor: "Hmmm...your throat doesn't hurt?"
Doctor:"Are you serious?"
Then he calls a nurse over
Doctor" "Look at this...and his throat doesn't hurt."
Nurse: "Oh my God"
Then he said the antibiotic will also cover whatever the heck was going on in his throat, which he guessed was most likely strep but did not do a test because he was getting an antibiotic for his ear anyway...
and now I am thinking I may have to take him to the doctor and get an opinion on removing his tonsils. It seems every time we see a doctor, they comment on his throat. But then, we are usually seeing a doctor because he is sick so the icky looking throat didn't seem unusual. Now I am thinking his throat might look like that all the time and he just doesn't feel it....I am confused.
The next day (Thursday) he mentioned it a couple more times but other wise seemed okay so, again, I chalked it up to fluid and was hoping it would be something that would just go away on its own.
Then - yesterday! He woke up in a mood!!! He was over it! He wanted it gone and he wanted it gone yesterday! We had plans to meet C.J. and spend the day watching Breaking Bad, go to dinner, and then do our Universal Evening. I was finally able to get him out the door and he settled down for the afternoon but did not want to go to Universal.
On our way home, I stopped at the Dollar Tree and picked up some hydrogen peroxide. When we got home, I put some in his ear and then jumped in the shower while he waited the 5 or 6 minutes it took to stop fizzing. When I got out, he said that it had helped "a little". I thought great. We waited about an hour and did it again.
THEN...out of Zack's mouth on loop
" didn't help at all" and "I can't take this anymore"
He was clearly very miserable but I wanted to prepare him in case there wasn't anything that could be done for him medically. Because visiting the Emergency Room is right up there with getting a root canal on my "fun scale," I tried very hard to convince him to wait until the next day when I could get him to a doctor but he was not having it!
Finally, at 8:50, I caved and we walked out the door on our way to the ER department of Doctor Phillips Hospital.
I just want to take a second and say how impressed I was with their service. When we walked in, we were instructed to go to a section called, "rapid diagnosis" because our complaint was simple. We were seen, diagnosed, treated and were discharged in less than an hour! I've never seen hospitals separate patients based on the ease of diagnosis and treatment before and it was pure genius.
Anyway, the doctor looked into his ear and diagnosed him with an outer ear infection - also known as swimmer's ear. Antibiotics and ear drops should clear it up.
But the surprise came when he looked in his throat...
The conversation went something like this:
Doctor: "Hmmm...your throat doesn't hurt?"
Doctor:"Are you serious?"
Then he calls a nurse over
Doctor" "Look at this...and his throat doesn't hurt."
Nurse: "Oh my God"
Then he said the antibiotic will also cover whatever the heck was going on in his throat, which he guessed was most likely strep but did not do a test because he was getting an antibiotic for his ear anyway...
and now I am thinking I may have to take him to the doctor and get an opinion on removing his tonsils. It seems every time we see a doctor, they comment on his throat. But then, we are usually seeing a doctor because he is sick so the icky looking throat didn't seem unusual. Now I am thinking his throat might look like that all the time and he just doesn't feel it....I am confused.
Sunday, July 24, 2016
News on the Job Front
A couple months ago I went onto a DOE website and submitted a shortened version of my extensive resume to every charter school within a 30 mile radius of my apartment.
I received responses from 3 of them. One of them I was never able to connect with. The day I went to visit the school, the principal was too busy to meet with me (which she told me might be the case) so I left my resume and letters of recommendations with her. By the time she had gotten back to me, I had been "offered" a position already. It was probably the best anyway because the position at that school was a preschool position and preschool is NOT my desired level.
Anyway, a couple weeks ago, I went for an interview at a charter school in Kissimmee (I will refrain from using the name) and, at the end of the interview, the principal told me she wanted to offer me the 4th grade position - which is exactly the level I wanted. She said she was going to pass my info to their business director and he would be in contact with me to sign paperwork. To me, that sounded pretty definite so I gave my notice at Universal in preparation for their July 25 start date (yes, tomorrow). There was a slight hold-up getting the approval of the DOE for my hire which he said he was going to "really put a rush on" when I spoke to him on Thursday morning. He said he would know something by the end of the day and get back to me.
Well...he didn't.
So I waited to hear from on Friday morning...nothing.
Then, Friday about 1:00, I received a call from another school that wanted to interview me ASAP. At first, I said no...but when I thought about it, I changed my mind. I did not want to burn bridges...after all, I had not signed a contract yet and this other school seemed in no big hurry to get it done.
So I went Friday at 3:00. I immediately loved the school. It is small - with only about 200 students - and the building is new and warm and inviting.
I left the interview about 4:00 and not even 10 minutes later, I got a call from the principal saying she wanted to hire me for the 1st grade position. This level was not my first choice but the more I think about it, the more excited I am getting.
We are again waiting for the approval of the DOE but this time they need the approval of Orange county not Osceola county. She also believed that that since I took, and passed, the Praxis exam several years ago, that that would probably be enough to prove that I am a "highly qualified teacher" and I would not need to take the $700.00 exam for Florida certification. I really hope so.
It is so amazing how God works to reveal his plans and always knows what is best for us and does what is in our best interests.
Oh...and the best part...I pass right by Central Florida Christian Academy on my way. I hope to get Zack in there for his senior year.

I guess I will update when I know more....stay tuned.
I received responses from 3 of them. One of them I was never able to connect with. The day I went to visit the school, the principal was too busy to meet with me (which she told me might be the case) so I left my resume and letters of recommendations with her. By the time she had gotten back to me, I had been "offered" a position already. It was probably the best anyway because the position at that school was a preschool position and preschool is NOT my desired level.
Anyway, a couple weeks ago, I went for an interview at a charter school in Kissimmee (I will refrain from using the name) and, at the end of the interview, the principal told me she wanted to offer me the 4th grade position - which is exactly the level I wanted. She said she was going to pass my info to their business director and he would be in contact with me to sign paperwork. To me, that sounded pretty definite so I gave my notice at Universal in preparation for their July 25 start date (yes, tomorrow). There was a slight hold-up getting the approval of the DOE for my hire which he said he was going to "really put a rush on" when I spoke to him on Thursday morning. He said he would know something by the end of the day and get back to me.
Well...he didn't.
So I waited to hear from on Friday morning...nothing.
Then, Friday about 1:00, I received a call from another school that wanted to interview me ASAP. At first, I said no...but when I thought about it, I changed my mind. I did not want to burn bridges...after all, I had not signed a contract yet and this other school seemed in no big hurry to get it done.
So I went Friday at 3:00. I immediately loved the school. It is small - with only about 200 students - and the building is new and warm and inviting.
I left the interview about 4:00 and not even 10 minutes later, I got a call from the principal saying she wanted to hire me for the 1st grade position. This level was not my first choice but the more I think about it, the more excited I am getting.
We are again waiting for the approval of the DOE but this time they need the approval of Orange county not Osceola county. She also believed that that since I took, and passed, the Praxis exam several years ago, that that would probably be enough to prove that I am a "highly qualified teacher" and I would not need to take the $700.00 exam for Florida certification. I really hope so.
It is so amazing how God works to reveal his plans and always knows what is best for us and does what is in our best interests.
Oh...and the best part...I pass right by Central Florida Christian Academy on my way. I hope to get Zack in there for his senior year.

I guess I will update when I know more....stay tuned.
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Universal Evening
Summer is in full swing and the parks are packed with tourists but, even though it was pretty busy, we were able to accomplish quite a bit.
We started in Islands of Adventure and went on Spiderman. Apparently we went into IOA just for that ride because, when it was over, we walked over to Universal. We walked past a group of girls (100+) that all had on white/off white dresses and hideous platform shoes on. So not my thing.
In Universal we went on Mummy, Men in Black, and ET. I love these Universal evenings with my boys.
We also came across this 'nifty' tour group (more than once). Forgive me for saying this but...Brazilians for sure - loud, obnoxious, with a look-at-me attitude.
We started in Islands of Adventure and went on Spiderman. Apparently we went into IOA just for that ride because, when it was over, we walked over to Universal. We walked past a group of girls (100+) that all had on white/off white dresses and hideous platform shoes on. So not my thing.
In Universal we went on Mummy, Men in Black, and ET. I love these Universal evenings with my boys.
We also came across this 'nifty' tour group (more than once). Forgive me for saying this but...Brazilians for sure - loud, obnoxious, with a look-at-me attitude.
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Just Everyday Life in Florida
My day began by finding my neighbor (a young man) outside his door, talking on his phone, in his underwear!
What could I do but slowly creep past him to take the dog down to pee and pretend it wasn't all that weird of a thing to see.
Midday we had errands to run so we decided to have some lunch at Steak n Shake. As is usual, we walked in the door and proceeded to be completely ignored - as did the 15 people in front of us. There are at least 50 tables in this place and only about 20 of them were being used but, time after time, we were passed by and ignored by every single employee there! The family of 6 in front of us turned and walked out - and I wasn't going to be far behind.
Finally, a young man walked up to the group in the front of us and offered to seat them Not apologizing or offering any explanation as to why it took over 10 minutes for anyone to even acknowledge we were there.
I don't often say anything but, as I said, this is normal and happens a lot when go there. We've never waited 10 minutes before but it is usual to wait up to 5 minutes before anyone even approaches us. So I walked up to this poor young man and told him *paraphrased* "we come here often"..."we always have to wait to be acknowledged"... "it's poor business practice"..."you lose business"
And this young man was so polite and stood there and apologized...and so did I. I realize its not his fault. He then proceeded to wait on us. And I gave him a huge tip. Not sure if their business practices will change but when we left, they had a hostess seating people and I have NEVER seen a hostess there before.
After eating we stopped by the Millennia Mall. Zack's phone started acting up this morning- basically a black screen saying it was installing updates but after 8 hours the process was still at 0%. After driving around for 10 minutes looking for a parking space -ANY parking space AT ALL (no joke), we finally found one and headed in. Of course the mall was packed and the T Mobile store was at the opposite end of the, yeah, we dodged between people having only one goal in mind.
We walked into the store and, of course, were approached by an overzealous worker who would, no doubt, try to get me to buy into a new plan or purchase new I diffused him of this notion immediately. He asked if we had tried to restart the phone, which I had but it would not turn off. So he opened the phone, took the battery out, put the battery back in, and handed the phone back to us in working order. And we walked out of there feeling like complete idiots looking at each other and saying, "why didn't we think of doing that?"
So back in the car, we made our way across the street to Target to get some groceries. A mile drive that took over 10 minutes #Orlandotraffic. We walked into Target dodging raindrops in the sun #Orlandoweather.
On the way home, I got behind a tourist who decided to slow down and put his right directional on - when there was NO WHERE to turn right for at least two miles. All the while I am screaming from inside my car, "there is no where to turn right. THERE IS NO WHERE TO TURN RIGHT!" This unnecessary slow down, of course, led me to miss the green light. OY!
And that was my day.
What could I do but slowly creep past him to take the dog down to pee and pretend it wasn't all that weird of a thing to see.
Midday we had errands to run so we decided to have some lunch at Steak n Shake. As is usual, we walked in the door and proceeded to be completely ignored - as did the 15 people in front of us. There are at least 50 tables in this place and only about 20 of them were being used but, time after time, we were passed by and ignored by every single employee there! The family of 6 in front of us turned and walked out - and I wasn't going to be far behind.
Finally, a young man walked up to the group in the front of us and offered to seat them Not apologizing or offering any explanation as to why it took over 10 minutes for anyone to even acknowledge we were there.
I don't often say anything but, as I said, this is normal and happens a lot when go there. We've never waited 10 minutes before but it is usual to wait up to 5 minutes before anyone even approaches us. So I walked up to this poor young man and told him *paraphrased* "we come here often"..."we always have to wait to be acknowledged"... "it's poor business practice"..."you lose business"
And this young man was so polite and stood there and apologized...and so did I. I realize its not his fault. He then proceeded to wait on us. And I gave him a huge tip. Not sure if their business practices will change but when we left, they had a hostess seating people and I have NEVER seen a hostess there before.
After eating we stopped by the Millennia Mall. Zack's phone started acting up this morning- basically a black screen saying it was installing updates but after 8 hours the process was still at 0%. After driving around for 10 minutes looking for a parking space -ANY parking space AT ALL (no joke), we finally found one and headed in. Of course the mall was packed and the T Mobile store was at the opposite end of the, yeah, we dodged between people having only one goal in mind.
We walked into the store and, of course, were approached by an overzealous worker who would, no doubt, try to get me to buy into a new plan or purchase new I diffused him of this notion immediately. He asked if we had tried to restart the phone, which I had but it would not turn off. So he opened the phone, took the battery out, put the battery back in, and handed the phone back to us in working order. And we walked out of there feeling like complete idiots looking at each other and saying, "why didn't we think of doing that?"
So back in the car, we made our way across the street to Target to get some groceries. A mile drive that took over 10 minutes #Orlandotraffic. We walked into Target dodging raindrops in the sun #Orlandoweather.
On the way home, I got behind a tourist who decided to slow down and put his right directional on - when there was NO WHERE to turn right for at least two miles. All the while I am screaming from inside my car, "there is no where to turn right. THERE IS NO WHERE TO TURN RIGHT!" This unnecessary slow down, of course, led me to miss the green light. OY!
And that was my day.
Thursday, July 14, 2016
More Early Dining
This is the last post about this subject...I promise.
It just fascinates me.
Today we actually had a cashier available at 10:00 for anyone who wanted to purchase drinks, a souvenir cup, or reactivate their souvenir cup.
And better believe we had people get in line to try to purchase food. We had to turn them away BUT they were back at 10:30 on the dot when we opened.
I can only think that people decide to eat this early to avoid lunchtime crowds but it actually backfires because we are much less prepared and organized when we first open, not all food items are readily available, and we are, in reality busier at that time than we are between 11:30 and 12:00.
Today we had two lines open right away and numerous people in each as I relate all food items purchased between 10:30 and 11:00, keep in mind that the list is from the line I was working only!
Order 1
Cheese Pizza Combo
- side salad
Cheese Pizza Combo
- side salad
Cheese Pizza Combo
- side salad
Root Beer
Order 2
Chicken Fingers
Chicken Fingers
Chicken Fingers
Chicken Fingers
Order 3
Large Fries
Sweet and Sour Chicken
Order 4
Chicken and Fish
Diet Coke
Order 5
Chicken Sandwich Combo
-Vanilla Milkshake
Dragon Combo
Chicken Sandwich
Chicken Fingers
Diet Coke
Btl Water
Btl Water
Order 6
Fish Sandwich Combo
- Vanilla Milkshake
Breadsticks w/ Marinara
Order 7
Cheeseburger Combo
- Chocolate Milkshake
Cheeseburger Combo
- Chocolate Milkshake
Chicken Caesar
Order 8
Chicken Fingers
Order 9
Chicken Alfredo Combo
- side salad
Chicken Fingers
Chicken Fingers
Order 10
Cheese Pizza
Cheeseburger Combo
- Chocolate Milkshake
Cheeseburger Combo
- Chocolate Milkshake
Fish and Chips Combo
- Chocolate Milkshake
Dragon Combo
4 Freestyle Cups
Order 11
Chili Dog Combo
- Chocolate Milkshake
Chili Dog Combo
- Vanilla Milkshake
Pepperoni Pizza Combo
- side salad
Cheeseburger Combo
- Chocolate Milkshake
Chicken Fingers Combo
- Chocolate Milkshake
- Chicken Alfredo Combo
- side salad
- Chicken and Fish Combo
- Vanilla Milkshake
- Coke
- Coke
- Coke
- Root Beer
- Orange
- Coke Zero
- Sprite
Order 12
Fish Sandwich Combo
-Vanilla Milkshake
Fish Sandwich Combo
- Vanilla Milkshake
- Coke Zero
-Coke Zero
Order 13
Sweet and Sour Combo
Beef and Broccoli Combo
Btl Water
Btl Water
Order 14
Cheese Pizza Combo
- side salad
Pepperoni Pizza Combo
- side salad
Chicken Sandwich
Root Beer
And was 11:00
You can only imagine how much I loved seeing all those combos with milkshakes.
It just fascinates me.
Today we actually had a cashier available at 10:00 for anyone who wanted to purchase drinks, a souvenir cup, or reactivate their souvenir cup.
And better believe we had people get in line to try to purchase food. We had to turn them away BUT they were back at 10:30 on the dot when we opened.
I can only think that people decide to eat this early to avoid lunchtime crowds but it actually backfires because we are much less prepared and organized when we first open, not all food items are readily available, and we are, in reality busier at that time than we are between 11:30 and 12:00.
Today we had two lines open right away and numerous people in each as I relate all food items purchased between 10:30 and 11:00, keep in mind that the list is from the line I was working only!
Order 1
Cheese Pizza Combo
- side salad
Cheese Pizza Combo
- side salad
Cheese Pizza Combo
- side salad
Root Beer
Order 2
Chicken Fingers
Chicken Fingers
Chicken Fingers
Chicken Fingers
Order 3
Large Fries
Sweet and Sour Chicken
Order 4
Chicken and Fish
Diet Coke
Order 5
Chicken Sandwich Combo
-Vanilla Milkshake
Dragon Combo
Chicken Sandwich
Chicken Fingers
Diet Coke
Btl Water
Btl Water
Order 6
Fish Sandwich Combo
- Vanilla Milkshake
Breadsticks w/ Marinara
Order 7
Cheeseburger Combo
- Chocolate Milkshake
Cheeseburger Combo
- Chocolate Milkshake
Chicken Caesar
Order 8
Chicken Fingers
Order 9
Chicken Alfredo Combo
- side salad
Chicken Fingers
Chicken Fingers
Order 10
Cheese Pizza
Cheeseburger Combo
- Chocolate Milkshake
Cheeseburger Combo
- Chocolate Milkshake
Fish and Chips Combo
- Chocolate Milkshake
Dragon Combo
4 Freestyle Cups
Order 11
Chili Dog Combo
- Chocolate Milkshake
Chili Dog Combo
- Vanilla Milkshake
Pepperoni Pizza Combo
- side salad
Cheeseburger Combo
- Chocolate Milkshake
Chicken Fingers Combo
- Chocolate Milkshake
- Chicken Alfredo Combo
- side salad
- Chicken and Fish Combo
- Vanilla Milkshake
- Coke
- Coke
- Coke
- Root Beer
- Orange
- Coke Zero
- Sprite
Order 12
Fish Sandwich Combo
-Vanilla Milkshake
Fish Sandwich Combo
- Vanilla Milkshake
- Coke Zero
-Coke Zero
Order 13
Sweet and Sour Combo
Beef and Broccoli Combo
Btl Water
Btl Water
Order 14
Cheese Pizza Combo
- side salad
Pepperoni Pizza Combo
- side salad
Chicken Sandwich
Root Beer
And was 11:00
You can only imagine how much I loved seeing all those combos with milkshakes.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
A Tribute to Jamie
Oh were one of the best dogs in the world! Our world is less bright without you.
Your mom, dad, brother, and sister loved you more than you will ever know. Or perhaps you did know. I'm sure you felt their love everyday. You were one lucky dog...
...and we will miss you and remember you always!
Jamie Lou Holtz
2003(?) to 2016
We love you
Your mom, dad, brother, and sister loved you more than you will ever know. Or perhaps you did know. I'm sure you felt their love everyday. You were one lucky dog...
...and we will miss you and remember you always!
Jamie Lou Holtz
2003(?) to 2016
We love you
Monday, July 11, 2016
C.J.'s Birthday Part 2 is this cute little baby 25 already? Sniff Sniff
C.J. planned his birthday evening. He made 5:15 reservations at Vivo on City Walk and then, a night in the park.
It was a major fail...
City Walk was evacuated because of a "potentially suspicious item" so dinner at Vivo wasn't happening. This was a major disappointment in C.J.'s world even though we told him to make reservations for another time and we would all go. But, finally, he settled on Red Lobster for dinner.
By the time we were done eating, City Walk had re-opened so we headed over there. After taking 20 minutes in line JUST TO GET THROUGH THE TURN STYLE (no, I'm not kidding) we went directly to Diagon Alley and got in line for Gringotts. Our great luck continued as the ride broke down just as we got in line. We waited it out and they had it fixed in 10 or 15 minutes so it wasn't that bad.
After that, everyone but me got some ice cream. I had to go on a mission to find some water so I could take my medication. Then we went on the Twirl and Hurl and E.T.
And that was it. It was probably the busiest I have seen it so far this summer and,I have to admit, was a huge disappointment after last week's evening in Islands of Adventure where we pretty much did not have to wait for anything.
And on top of everything else, I forgot my camera at home!!!!
Despite everything, I think C.J. had a good evening,,,at least I hope he did.
C.J. planned his birthday evening. He made 5:15 reservations at Vivo on City Walk and then, a night in the park.
It was a major fail...
City Walk was evacuated because of a "potentially suspicious item" so dinner at Vivo wasn't happening. This was a major disappointment in C.J.'s world even though we told him to make reservations for another time and we would all go. But, finally, he settled on Red Lobster for dinner.
By the time we were done eating, City Walk had re-opened so we headed over there. After taking 20 minutes in line JUST TO GET THROUGH THE TURN STYLE (no, I'm not kidding) we went directly to Diagon Alley and got in line for Gringotts. Our great luck continued as the ride broke down just as we got in line. We waited it out and they had it fixed in 10 or 15 minutes so it wasn't that bad.
After that, everyone but me got some ice cream. I had to go on a mission to find some water so I could take my medication. Then we went on the Twirl and Hurl and E.T.
And that was it. It was probably the busiest I have seen it so far this summer and,I have to admit, was a huge disappointment after last week's evening in Islands of Adventure where we pretty much did not have to wait for anything.
And on top of everything else, I forgot my camera at home!!!!
Despite everything, I think C.J. had a good evening,,,at least I hope he did.
Sunday, July 10, 2016
C.J's Birthday Part 1
Tomorrow is C.J.'s birthday and he requested a certain meal made by grandpa.
My father was a hunter of rough grouse or partridge and he created this amazing recipe that includes heavy cream, soup, and mushrooms...among other things. He serves it with wild rice and green beans simmered in amaretto. Chicken can be substituted for the grouse and it tastes just as great.
Yum! YUM! YUM!
So today, we all headed over to my parent's house.
Of course there is no such thing as a simple drive on I-4 and, sure enough, we ran into an accident that had the interstate reduced to only one lane. Grr.
But on a positive note...once we passed the accident scene, we were practically alone on I-4 and that never happens.
We had a great dinner, good conversation, and, thank goodness, an uneventful drive home.
Looking forward to tomorrow night. We are eating at Vivo on City Walk and then spending some time in Universal.
My father was a hunter of rough grouse or partridge and he created this amazing recipe that includes heavy cream, soup, and mushrooms...among other things. He serves it with wild rice and green beans simmered in amaretto. Chicken can be substituted for the grouse and it tastes just as great.
Yum! YUM! YUM!
So today, we all headed over to my parent's house.
Of course there is no such thing as a simple drive on I-4 and, sure enough, we ran into an accident that had the interstate reduced to only one lane. Grr.
But on a positive note...once we passed the accident scene, we were practically alone on I-4 and that never happens.
We had a great dinner, good conversation, and, thank goodness, an uneventful drive home.
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The "cousins" played together |
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Ollie spotted the boys walking back from the clubhouse |
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He is such a little pest |
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Early Lunch
This post will begin with one question
What time is a "normal" time to eat lunch?
At the Comic Strip, we normally open at 11:00 and I am amazed at the number of people who rush in to eat full lunches at this time.
This past week, we have been opening at 10:30 and...I guess I shouldn't be surprised that starving tourists are breaking down the doors at this time too.
Today was absurd and at 10:40 we had 24 people in line to order lunch!!!???
Between 10:30 and 11:00 we served the following orders
1). Pepperoni Pizza
Coke Zero
2). Chili Dog
3). Cheeseburger
Freestyle Cup
4). Chicken Fingers
Fish Sandwich
Fish Sandwich
Draft Bud Light
Freestyle Cup
5). Pepperoni Pizza Combo
Side Salad
Root Beer
6). 2 Vanilla Shakes
7). Chicken Fingers
Vanilla Shake
Spaghetti and Meatballs
8). Char Siu Chicken
Sweet and Sour Chicken
2 Freestyle Cups
9). Beef and Broccoli
Beef and Broccoli
Sweet Tea
Sweet Tea
10). Pepperoni Pizza Combo
Side Salad
Chicken Alfredo Combo
Side Salad
Chocolate Shake
11). Pepperoni Pizza
Btl Water
12). Cheeseburger
Chicken Fingers
Btl Water
Btl Water
Btl Water
Draft Heineken
13). Chicken Fingers
Freestyle Cup
14). Chicken Fingers
Chicken Fingers
15). Cheeseburger
Chicken Fingers
Pepperoni Pizza
Lg Fries
Freestyle Cup
16). Dragon
Draft Heineken
17). Chicken Fingers
Chocolate Shake
Fish Sandwich
Chicken and Fish
Freestyle Cup
18). Chili Dog
Freestyle Cup
19). Pepperoni Pizza Combo
Side Salad
Cheese Pizza Combo
Side Salad
Cheese Pizza Combo
Side Salad
Root Beer
20). Sweet and Sour
Bud Light
21). Chicken Sandwich
Bud Light
22). Cheeseburger
Bud Light
ALL BEFORE 11:00!!!!
It's crazy!
Side note: I only have two weeks left because I GOT A TEACHING JOB! I will remain a Universal employee but will be listed as seasonal instead of part time. More on this later........
What time is a "normal" time to eat lunch?
At the Comic Strip, we normally open at 11:00 and I am amazed at the number of people who rush in to eat full lunches at this time.
This past week, we have been opening at 10:30 and...I guess I shouldn't be surprised that starving tourists are breaking down the doors at this time too.
Today was absurd and at 10:40 we had 24 people in line to order lunch!!!???
Between 10:30 and 11:00 we served the following orders
1). Pepperoni Pizza
Coke Zero
2). Chili Dog
3). Cheeseburger
Freestyle Cup
4). Chicken Fingers
Fish Sandwich
Fish Sandwich
Draft Bud Light
Freestyle Cup
5). Pepperoni Pizza Combo
Side Salad
Root Beer
6). 2 Vanilla Shakes
7). Chicken Fingers
Vanilla Shake
Spaghetti and Meatballs
8). Char Siu Chicken
Sweet and Sour Chicken
2 Freestyle Cups
9). Beef and Broccoli
Beef and Broccoli
Sweet Tea
Sweet Tea
10). Pepperoni Pizza Combo
Side Salad
Chicken Alfredo Combo
Side Salad
Chocolate Shake
11). Pepperoni Pizza
Btl Water
12). Cheeseburger
Chicken Fingers
Btl Water
Btl Water
Btl Water
Draft Heineken
13). Chicken Fingers
Freestyle Cup
14). Chicken Fingers
Chicken Fingers
15). Cheeseburger
Chicken Fingers
Pepperoni Pizza
Lg Fries
Freestyle Cup
16). Dragon
Draft Heineken
17). Chicken Fingers
Chocolate Shake
Fish Sandwich
Chicken and Fish
Freestyle Cup
18). Chili Dog
Freestyle Cup
19). Pepperoni Pizza Combo
Side Salad
Cheese Pizza Combo
Side Salad
Cheese Pizza Combo
Side Salad
Root Beer
20). Sweet and Sour
Bud Light
21). Chicken Sandwich
Bud Light
22). Cheeseburger
Bud Light
ALL BEFORE 11:00!!!!
It's crazy!
Side note: I only have two weeks left because I GOT A TEACHING JOB! I will remain a Universal employee but will be listed as seasonal instead of part time. More on this later........
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Universal Fourth
On Monday evening (4th of July) C.J. convinced me that we could go to Islands of Adventure and it would not be busy. I was, of course, skeptical but he was absolutely right! It was soooooo not busy and, in fact, may be the most fun I have had ever had there.
We started in Seuss Landing and had absolutely no wait for The Cat in the Hat ride.
As we made our way through the Lost Continent, we decided to see Poseidon's Fury because it has been ages since I saw that show and didn't really remember much. We waited maybe 5 minutes for the show to start.
We made our way to Hogsmeade and remembered the days when this area was so popular that you needed a ticket with a return time to even enter. It is still a popular area (but less than when it first opened) so we were shocked that we were able to walk right on The Forbidden Journey without any wait at all!
After that, we decided to see if Kong was open as they have been doing nightly soft openings but it was not so C.J. and Zack went on Jurassic Park.
Since it wasn't dark yet and we wanted to explore Camp Jarassic in the dark, we decided to walk over to Toon Lagoon and...surprise...Kong had opened so we jumped in line. Even the wait for this was only about 15 minutes! And this time, everything went smoothly and everything was working.
A great ride
Finally, after Kong, it was dark out and we headed over to Camp Jurassic. It was fun - even though they had the part of the climbing area we loved closed off :(
On our way out, we stopped at Spiderman and walked on with no wait at all! And, of course, we passed this place on the way.
On the way out we were treated to nature's fireworks (heat lightning)
We started in Seuss Landing and had absolutely no wait for The Cat in the Hat ride.
As we made our way through the Lost Continent, we decided to see Poseidon's Fury because it has been ages since I saw that show and didn't really remember much. We waited maybe 5 minutes for the show to start.
![]() |
I see this cardinal often while walking to work |
We made our way to Hogsmeade and remembered the days when this area was so popular that you needed a ticket with a return time to even enter. It is still a popular area (but less than when it first opened) so we were shocked that we were able to walk right on The Forbidden Journey without any wait at all!
After that, we decided to see if Kong was open as they have been doing nightly soft openings but it was not so C.J. and Zack went on Jurassic Park.
Since it wasn't dark yet and we wanted to explore Camp Jarassic in the dark, we decided to walk over to Toon Lagoon and...surprise...Kong had opened so we jumped in line. Even the wait for this was only about 15 minutes! And this time, everything went smoothly and everything was working.
A great ride
Finally, after Kong, it was dark out and we headed over to Camp Jurassic. It was fun - even though they had the part of the climbing area we loved closed off :(
On our way out, we stopped at Spiderman and walked on with no wait at all! And, of course, we passed this place on the way.
On the way out we were treated to nature's fireworks (heat lightning)
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