Saturday, October 27, 2012

Men Just Don't Get It

Hubby went back to work last night after being on vacation for a week again.  Let's be real, it was technically a week and a day.

I, on the other hand, have been all kinds of crazy busy this week with extra meetings for school, errands that usually only need to be done every other month, and a school event Thursday night.

So...WHY oh WHY was this how my laundry room looked last night?

Let me break it down for you in case what I'm saying isn't clear...

THIS was the colored's pile:
I'd say at least 3 loads there.

And here were the whites:

And the towels: was "washing sheets and blankets" weekend:

 All together they added up to about 11-12 loads. I lost count.

So..question is: why didn't hubby do any laundry while he was off this week???

Well...apparently he was in the laundry room on top of the washing machine...all nice and neatly folded for me.

Gee...thanks for the help, honey *SIGH*.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Life Lately...and What Not

I think I could win an award for most boring person alive lately...therefore not much to blog about.

Yesterday, however, was one of those 15 hour days of school, after school meeting, and then a school event at night.  I toted my camera along to get some awesome pictures of Zack and his buddies playing laser tag...but after shooting just one picture...

before the laser tag even started...I discovered that someone (ahem...Zack) had taken my SD card out (again) and didn't put it back!!!

Speaking of Zack...first quarter is over and Zack's grades were:
Bible - A
Computer - A
Phy-ed - A
Drama - A
Choir - A
Science - A-
History - B+ (89*)
English - B- 
I am so proud of him.  

This cute face is being difficult lately.

Another ear infection spurred on by allergies.  This is his 5th one and his last one was just two months ago.  So...we walked out of the vet today $95.00 poorer and with three different prescriptions.  We are going to try hydroxyzine for the allergy symptoms hoping that will keep the inflammation down but if that doesn't work we may need to move on to a steroid.  

I know my poor baby is in pain because he yelps every time we touch his ear. *Sad face*

Finally, another huge Gator game tomorrow...Go Gators.

Friday, October 19, 2012

School Picture

For the record I have never ordered school pictures of Zack.

When he was younger (younger than 10) he had this goofy fake smile where he would grit his teeth together and squint his eyes.

Later on, after age 10, he decided that he no longer wanted to show his teeth in pictures which resulted in a closed, tight-mouthed half grin.

So, I wouldn't spend any money on pictures that I couldn't preview beforehand. 

This year's school picture was about as I expected.  Not horrible...but the closed mouth half-smile...and for extra fun...the added messy hair!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Where Does The Time Go?

Half way through October already...really?

It does not seem like we have been in school for two months already.  And that we are nearly finished with the first quarter of school.  

This time of the school year flies by in a whirlwind of three day work weeks (or in my case - 2 day) sandwiched between five day (again, in my case - 4 day) work weeks... from now until after Thanksgiving.

Basketball season starts soon...which translates into more running around and more time commitments. But Zack is really looking forward to being on the A team this year.  Last year, he played a bit for the A team...but this year it will be his primary team.
Zack's first year
Zack's second year
Zack's third year
And he has been working hard all year to keep his grades up (on his own with no help from me).  He has 6 A's and 3 B's right now...but two of those B's are 89% which I am hoping he can bring up to A's before the quarter ends.

And who can believe in just two short months we will be leaving for another Florida Christmas...details to be worked out yet.

Which means some of this:
 and this:
and this (for Zack)

and hopefully this again
Can't wait

Sunday, October 14, 2012


That one little word sums it all up!

The mood here in the house...the weather...and our health.

Health is just that we are simply dealing with coughs and colds here.  Nothing huge...but it does become annoying when a certain 13 year old refuses any cough medicine because it is liquid medicine!  This has been his bane since his first cold at 4 months old...he throws up all liquid medicine.  Can you imagine how frustrating that was when he was a 3 or 4 year old running a 103 temp???  Now at least he swallows pills for headaches or fevers...but as far as I know there are no pills for cough.  

Our moods have been solemn around here...worried about our dear brother and brother-in-law.  He is still in the hospital, weak and disoriented.  The combination of morphine and seizure medication has taken it's toll.  Hopefully he just needs time to adjust to them.

The weather...well...yuck.

Our third day in a row like this...

This weather works well for cuddling up under a blanket, taking naps, and watching football.

But I feel bad for crazy dog...who is missing his daily walks.  We've been dealing with a lot of this:
 and this:

Poor baby.  Hopefully better weather will be in our future.

Friday, October 12, 2012


I hate cancer!

  Just the mention of the word brings terrible thoughts to mind. Sickness. Pain. Death.  Think about it...there are no warm fuzzy feelings that come to mind when someone mentions the word cancer.

I used to know nothing about cancer...thankfully, no one in my family has ever had it.  Then 1997 came. 

 I was teaching Kindergarten that year and at orientation a parent approached me and said "do you know about Scott?" Normally that usually means behavior difficulties or learning difficulties...

But not this time. Instead, this parent began to tell me the story of her little 5 year old leukemia survivor.  She gave me the short and sweet of things when dealing with a cancer "survivor."  Things like hand sanitizing and keeping him away from kids with colds.  

She also told me the signs to look for that would indicate the leukemia returned.    

Seriously folks, this was the first time that I realized that cancer could return!  In my previous, blissful, naive life....I thought once the doctor's were able to rid the body of was gone forever! 

One of the signs of leukemia is leg pain and sadly, he began to complain more and more of leg pain once spring came. Devastatingly, he was diagnosed with a relapse of leukemia by the beginning of May.  Little Scott was able to receive a bone marrow transplant before relapsing again and finally dying at the age of 8.  

Did I mention that I hate cancer?

Today, I know far more about cancer than I ever thought I would...thanks to the caringbridge sites I visit.

I also, for the first time, am walking through this cancer experience with a member of my family.

I am talking about my brother-in law, Doug.

Doug, it seems, is losing his battle with brain cancer and things right now are progressing quickly.  

Just last week he seemed fine but right now he is in the hospital, after suffering a seizure, on intravenous morphine and anti-seizure medications.

I cannot tell you how much this sucks!!!!!

I hate cancer!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Found These

I was cleaning up my desktop (on my computer that is) tonight when I came across this folder labeled "pictures."  

I don't remember creating this folder and I know that I never looked in this folder.

A while ago I removed some old pictures from our old Computer before we trashed it...but those pictures are on my flash drive. short...I don't know how these  pictures got there.  But they are from C.J.'s 8th grade year...

Saturday, October 6, 2012

You May Not Want To Look

+++WARNING:  Dead Animal Pictures+++

Hubby has been on vacation from work so like a good husband he has been doing all the cooking, cleaning, and laundry around the house and has been waiting on me hand and foot...NOT!

No, instead he decided to go up north and kill live, defenseless animals go hunting.  It is deer hunting season here.

I guess it paid off though because he came back last night with this in the trunk.

This is not what the animal lover in me likes to see but I try hard to put my feelings about this aside so I can be happy for the hubby!

How lovely to have this hanging in my garage.  It's gone now...taken to be processed for meat.  

Poor Ollie didn't know what to think about it.
He wanted to get close to it but then would run away if it would move at all...I mean of course it wouldn't move on it's own...but it would spin around on the rope around it's neck and the dog would freak out.

But if we brought him in the house he would whine to get back out in the garage to see it and smell it.


Friday, October 5, 2012

Fall In Full Swing

The colors are out in full force now and the beautiful colors along with gorgeous weather have combined to make some enjoyable evening walks. 

This weekend temps are taking a bit of nosedive...which just means it will be a "cuddle up in flannel pj's - watching football - hot apple cider" kind of weekend.  But I believe after the weekend we will have more indian summer to enjoy.

If I hadn't just changed the calendar month a few days ago...I would refuse to believe that is already October.

September is a long and tough month in a classroom.  Teacher's and children are both getting used to new routines and new rules and there are no days off (except for Labor Day).  But between now and Thanksgiving school flies by with several three day weeks interspersed with the normal five day weeks. 

And speaking of school...remember Zack's role as the policeman in the school play last year?  Well this year Zack decided to take drama and has landed the lead male role in this years play.  They are doing Anne of Green Gables.
His part is Matthew.  In yellow are his lines on just one of the total he has 104 lines.
So that is about it...still boring around here and just enjoying the last of the nice weather before hibernating for the winter.

The Grief Train

  To inject some kind of light-heartedness into our situation, I like to say that the grief train paid us a visit and just will not leave!  ...