Saturday, October 6, 2012

You May Not Want To Look

+++WARNING:  Dead Animal Pictures+++

Hubby has been on vacation from work so like a good husband he has been doing all the cooking, cleaning, and laundry around the house and has been waiting on me hand and foot...NOT!

No, instead he decided to go up north and kill live, defenseless animals go hunting.  It is deer hunting season here.

I guess it paid off though because he came back last night with this in the trunk.

This is not what the animal lover in me likes to see but I try hard to put my feelings about this aside so I can be happy for the hubby!

How lovely to have this hanging in my garage.  It's gone now...taken to be processed for meat.  

Poor Ollie didn't know what to think about it.
He wanted to get close to it but then would run away if it would move at all...I mean of course it wouldn't move on it's own...but it would spin around on the rope around it's neck and the dog would freak out.

But if we brought him in the house he would whine to get back out in the garage to see it and smell it.


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