Saturday, April 14, 2012

Zack - Three to Four

Once Zack moved to his new room at Day Care, I tried my absolute hardest to get him potty trained,  but it was a complete no go.  He was no doubt the most frustrating to train and, in the end, he was not completely trained until May!

This was his class at Day Care:
He was the youngest one in his class because just after he moved up they decided to restructure how they moved the kids from one class to another and no other moves were going to be made until August.
 These pictures were taken by a company that came to the Day Care.  I loved them!  The company brought their own oufits for the kids.

By June, I couldn't believe that Zack still did not recognize colors.  I decided to make a very concerted effort to get him to learn them...or explore the possibility that he may be color blind.
He was NOT color blind and learned those colors with just a couple nights of work.
I decided to take the whole month of July off from work and take the boys to Wisconsin for a visit.
We drove up via Springfield, Illinois and did some Abraham Lincoln sightseeing.
And also spent a couple days in upper Michigan visiting Great Grandma and Grandpa.
At the Iron Mine:
At the ski jump:
And boating with Grandpa's friend:
It was a great trip and fun time with the boys.
And Zack did so well in the car.  

But things came crashing down quickly once we got back to Florida and returned to school.  Zack had a difficult time re-adjusting to Day Care and his teacher had little tolerance for his tears.  It got so bad that he would begin crying at night about having to go to school the next day!  He would say through his sobs ...""  And I just knew...because I had seen it happen with other children...his teacher was calling him a baby for crying.
Since classrooms were being reconstructed at the end of August and he would be moved to a different classroom (different teacher) anyway, I decided to move him back to his old teachers for the two week interim and he was as happy as could more tears.  Ever. He loved his new teacher too.

In October we moved to this new home on Perrotti Lane in Palm Coast.
It doesn't look like much from the outside but it had everything on my checklist...a fenced in backyard, three bedrooms, a large playroom (very large), and a screened in lanai.  
Zack's 4th birthday was on a very cold Friday.  So cold, in fact, that schools we cancelled as morning temps were only in the 20's and the daytime high was only near 40*.  We had a party with his class at Day Care:

We also had a party for him at the new house.  A Thomas the Tank Engine party...his obsession.

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