Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Winter Storm

So...there was no snow day.  But there certainly should have been!!! I will not commence my rantings about school closings (or lack thereof) and why small private schools feel they need to follow the district in calling snow days when they have students who travel for much greater distances. was a beautiful snow that I watched this morning from my window at school.

As one of the third graders aptly put it, "It looks like Narnia out there."

But finally, at noon I had had enough and decided to have a sub called in and go home.  You know, living in the country on a county road that never gets plowed or salted.  
the view from my car on the way home

The county road was as bad as I thought it would be.

Now we're home for the evening, Winter Storm Denise is winding down, and we're left with this ugly white stuff.

and I don't mean the dog.

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