Sunday, January 23, 2011

Packers = Superbowl

The NFC Championship game is now in the books and the Green Bay Packers have, indeed, come out on top.  I suppose I should be happy because I live in Wisconsin and, if I have to be honest, there was a part of me that really did want them to win... so much, in fact, that I could not stand to watch most of the 4th quarter!  Of course, once the game was over I went into the living room T.V. and hit the rewind button (We can pause or rewind live T.V.) and watched it.

I grew up as a Packers fan.... watching football with my dad in the early 80's.... asking him all sorts of annoying questions because I didn't know the first thing about the game.  I really love football and probably know as much about the game as most men do now. 

So why the laisse-faire attitude about the Packers now?  Umm, that would have to be because liking the Packers would mean I have to admit I was wrong!!!!   I was wrong about their coach... I was wrong about the General Manager... and I was seriously wrong about their draft choices...

I WAS WRONG!  not only are the Packers going to the Super Bowl... but they are going with 12 of their players on injured reserve.  That shows depth of talent that can only be garnered through wise aquisitions. 

Oh how I hate to admit that I am wrong!  But at least this time it comes with a sweet price - the Superbowl!

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