Monday, October 4, 2021

Strike Three ---You're Out!

 Today I took my third Covid test --- the first two were negative. Unfortunately this one was NOT negative. 

Last week Wednesday, I noticed my throat was feeling a bit sore, but with no other symptoms I decided it was probably just allergies...or possibly a cold. 

Then this weekend, I started coughing and running a slight fever (99.6-100*). 

Still feeling like it was nothing, I contacted Jon (who I pick up for school every day) and asked if he could get to school on his own today. I knew I would not be allowed back without a Covid test so I planned to do that this morning and then go into school. 

Surprisingly, Jon said he also had a low-grade fever and headache, so I emailed our principal that neither of us would be in today and we would both be getting tested. 

I was shocked when both our tests were positive!  

I suppose it was inevitable. 

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