Friday, October 29, 2021

Halloween Horror Nights 2021 Part One

 Wow! I cannot believe this is my 6th year of HHN.  

This year, because I am no longer an employee of Universal Studios, I purchased a Frequent Fear Pass (with the help of CJ).  

Honestly, I was hoping to get there much more than I was actually able to. Having Co-vid right in the middle of the event was less than ideal. The weather this year was also less than ideal with much more rain than in years past. 

This post will contain a combination of pictures from Google images and my own photos as well as walkthrough videos from YouTube.

This year there were 10 houses and 5 scare zones. 


The Haunting of Hill House from Netflix


I must confess that despite the hype surrounding this series, I have not watched it (I have started watching it's not that I did not like it, life just in the way). 

Because of the popularity of this house, I was only able to go through it one time. It was not a favorite overall, but the façade was incredible! I probably would have enjoyed it more if I had watched the series. 

                                      Image: Google

 To stay true to the TV series, the maze is a slow burn that builds, in the way the events unfold, with some moments being very subtle. They make use of theatrical scrims, especially for when it comes to seeing the ghosts appear and reappear throughout. This particular maze also has a heavy emotional component, but the focus is on scaring people.  (credit:



Another popular house I was only able to get through one time. It's too bad, because I think this could have been a favorite. It reminds me of Asylum in Wonderland as they brought back the spinning barrel that makes guests disoriented as they attempt to walk through it. Also, the overall atmosphere is lighthearted and whimsical like Asylum in Wonderland. 

Texas Chainsaw Massacre 

You've seen the 1974 horror classic. Now it's your turn to experience it for yourself. Enter the dilapidated Sawyer house and meet Leatherface and his demented family of merciless butchers.   (

Yet another popular house with long lines that I got through only one time. It was just okay. 

Monday, October 4, 2021

Strike Three ---You're Out!

 Today I took my third Covid test --- the first two were negative. Unfortunately this one was NOT negative. 

Last week Wednesday, I noticed my throat was feeling a bit sore, but with no other symptoms I decided it was probably just allergies...or possibly a cold. 

Then this weekend, I started coughing and running a slight fever (99.6-100*). 

Still feeling like it was nothing, I contacted Jon (who I pick up for school every day) and asked if he could get to school on his own today. I knew I would not be allowed back without a Covid test so I planned to do that this morning and then go into school. 

Surprisingly, Jon said he also had a low-grade fever and headache, so I emailed our principal that neither of us would be in today and we would both be getting tested. 

I was shocked when both our tests were positive!  

I suppose it was inevitable. 

The Grief Train

  To inject some kind of light-heartedness into our situation, I like to say that the grief train paid us a visit and just will not leave!  ...