Monday, November 30, 2020

Quarantine (Kind of) Continues

 We are "semi-quarantined" here at our apartment. 

I was so disappointed over the possibility of not seeing my family for Thanksgiving that I decided Zack and I would get tested.  I originally had no intention of going through the hassle of testing unless I started showing symptoms. But then decided it would be worth it to endure the two-and-a-half hour wait if that meant I could spend Thanksgiving with my parents and sister. 

Thankfully, we both tested negative which meant we enjoyed a nice Thanksgiving turkey dinner at the Ormond Beach Denny's. (Not so) Fun fact: The four adults could all go cheap and order off the "senior" menu.'s true.  I didn't quite make the age requirement (since it was November 26 and my b-day is today), but I didn't think 4 days would matter. And no one is going to ask your age anyway. 

Friday we were able to go to C.J.'s for our weekly game/movie night which we had to skip the week before. 

So Zack and I are only semi-cautious about being out and about since testing negative, but my class and I are still not able to return to school this week. I will be so glad when this week is over because, while I love the extra time at home, online teaching is so not my thing. 

Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Start of Quarantine

 I suppose, to a degree, it was inevitable. 

We've had several students this year who had direct contact with a co-vid positive person.  They would have to stay home for two weeks and then were able to come back. 

However, today we received word that our school had its very first covid positive student and that child ----was mine. 😞😞

For the next two weeks my students and I are quarantined. Thankfully we had off school next week anyway so I have that week to prepare for the following week of online learning - whatever that will look like. 

If everything goes well, we can all return to school on December 7th. 

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Welcome to Our World

 Willow Eleanor.....

Her story is not mine to tell...

Her pictures are not mine to share...

But her entrance in to this world needs a space on my blog...because her family has occupied a space in my heart for 25 years. are already so loved!  

The Grief Train

  To inject some kind of light-heartedness into our situation, I like to say that the grief train paid us a visit and just will not leave!  ...