Saturday, January 4, 2020

Volcano Bay

I am not a big fan of water parks.  

But Volcano Bay?  Oh heck ya...sign me up!!!
Picture from Google

While we really wanted to go on New Years Eve day again, the weather was not going to cooperate. So we decided to go on December 30. The weather was still not great on the 30th --- we were on day 3,362 without seeing the sun (okay exaggerating) but a crazy amount of overcast/rainy days for this time of the year in Florida. However, the temp on the 30th was 80* compared to a projected high of 68* on the 31st. 

In trying to determine why I love Volcano Bay compared to other water parks, I came up with the following reasons...

- the water is heated!!! This makes ALL the difference in the world to me and is the MAIN reason I love this park. 

- The Fearless River

Throw on a life vest, jump in the HEATED water, and let the current push you along ---and along and along and along! 


Next time I will wear my sunglasses (or goggles). This time I did not and I found it impossible to keep my eyes open because there is a constant spray of water in your face.  Lesson learned. But it was still a great ride and tons of fun!

Lazy River

Same premise as the Fearless River except with inner tubes instead of life vests. Also, the current is much weaker. But very relaxing drifting along in the HEATED water. 

- Tapu Tapu

Zack and I will use any excuse to say "tapu tapu"

Another perk is it's not very busy this time of the year so the wait is not long for the slides. 

Important for me because I can't wait to get back in the HEATED water.  😆

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