Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Sign of a Stressful Week

I believe I've mentioned this before, but in case I haven't, this year I have a very "special" class. The school where I teach has ability grouped the students according to I-Ready test scores. Most grades have two classes that are compartmentalized consisting of the lower and average performing students, and then one self contained high or gifted classroom. In the case of 2nd grade, the self contained classroom is one with the lowest performing students and the teacher is ---ME! 

Now, all things being equal, I would not mind this too much. I enjoy working with the struggling students and have had a lot of success with bringing about improvement in their performance level and test scores. There are some big differences this year, however. 

- normally, I have a classroom with mostly average performing students with maybe 3-4 struggling students and I am able to devote a lot of time to those 3-4 during differentiated instruction. This year, 3/4 of my class are considered "struggling". There is not enough ME to go around.  

- 5 of my 14 students have IEP's (with another one going through testing). That is a lot of IEP's to service. It takes a ton of effort to ensure that the IEP's are being accommodated for every test and assessment that is given. It's even worse when the ESE teacher cannot meet the accommodations on her end. Due to "family issues", she has not been in my classroom to service their IEP's in the past two weeks. 

- behavior - UGH!  Along with low performance, I have three students who have the maturity level of a 2 year old. Trust me when I say many temper tantrums would be thrown on a daily basis if I allowed such behavior in my classroom. Even without the tantrums though, the behavior can be bizarre and distracting to say the least. 

- Immaturity of those 3 aside, 3/4 of my students are subject at any time to a phenomenon I call the "absent consciousness syndrome." They will impulsively demonstrate some outlandish and ridiculous actions as if someone or something done invaded and taken over their minds! 

Examples: Both of these happened on Friday and both involved students who are usually "normal".

- Kona Ice came to our school Friday (side note: I LOVE when they do that because teachers get a freebie!). Anyway, if in the past, you purchased a $6 Kona Ice, you are given a reusable cup that you can bring back and get refilled for $3. 

The particular student in question had the cup sitting on her table during Math class. Now, for some students, I would NEVER had allowed this and made them put it back in their backpack. But, as I said, she is normally a good student that I don't have to worry about.  However, on this day, afflicted by the "absent consciousness syndrome" she grabbed her cup, walked over to a girl at the next table, put the cup to the girl's ear, and then started making noises in the cup as if it were a telephone ---right in the middle of Math class!!!!!  

In the afternoon, two more of my "normal" students fell victim to the syndrome as I caught them arguing over THIS!

Yep! I am serious. One claiming it belonged to him, the other insisting she was going to throw it away. UGH! 

On a normal week, I work Saturday morning from 9:00 for anywhere between 1.5 to 3 hours. Then I rush home, fall into bed and take a 3-4 hour nap. Yesterday, my nap was cut short by a text and I wasn't happy. Last night was equally stressful as we had plans to meet in City Walk for pizza and then see a movie. The traffic was ridiculous and we were 10 minutes late, and then I was not able to get my 50% employee discount so we had to abandon the pizza and just head to the movie (Jumanji). I was drained by this point and wasn't handling anything very well.  At least the movie was funny and entertaining and we were all able to enjoy it and leave much happier than we arrived. 

So...back to exhaustion. Last night I fell asleep at midnight and when I woke up, I was shocked to see it was 12:38 PM!!!!  I have never slept that late!  I got up, took the dog out, grabbed a peanut butter sandwich, and by 1:30 I was sleeping again. I woke up at 6:30PM!!!!!  HOLY CRAP!!!! That's insane and way more exhausted than I thought I was. 

Saturday, January 11, 2020


Obituary for Robert "Bob" Charles

Lifelong Waukesha resident Robert “Bob” J. Charles, 72, died Wednesday, January 8, 2020 at Waukesha Memorial Hospital. He was born on December 10, 1947 to Frank and Marie (nee: Thompson) Charles. Bob was employed at Waukesha Engine/Dresser for more than 40 years, retiring in 2009. He loved retirement, bowling in the senior league at Sunset Bowl, cheering on the Milwaukee Brewers, Green Bay Packers and most recently Milwaukee Bucks. Bob enjoyed attending as many Brewer games as he possible could each year. He attended St. William Catholic Church. On June 29, 1991 he married Debbie Trombley -Olshefski. Recently, Bob and Debbie had started traveling, Treasure Island, Florida and Brewer Spring Training in Arizona were among their favorites. Above all, Bob loved his family, and being a great husband, father, grandfather, brother and uncle.
He is survived by his by his wife of 28 years, Debbie Olshefski-Charles of Waukesha; children, Brian (Deanna) Charles of Waukesha; Bruce (Liz) Charles of Goodyear, AZ; Rhonda (Dave) Szalacinski of Waukesha; grandchildren, Savannah, Sawyer, Maddie and Caity. He is further survived by his sisters, Mary (Paul) Olson of Flagler Beach, FL; Fran (Ron) Lyon of Waukesha; a brother, Jim Charles of Waukesha; nieces and nephews, Bonnie, Judy, Kris, Lisa and Rick; his mother-in-law, Jan Trombley of Waukesha; sisters-in-law, Diane Howard of Waukesha and Dawn Trombley of Milwaukee; special friends, Dick Schmidt, Harry LaShell, Rozi and Gary Hahn and Nan and Darrell Dent.
The family would like to thank Annie at Waukesha Memorial Hospital, ICU and Dr. Qusai Alitter “Dr. Q” for the wonderful care and comfort given to Bob. Debbie would also like to thank her sister, Dawn for all the love, support, and help she gave during this time.
Visitation will be Monday, January 13, 2020 at Randle-Dable Brisk Funeral Home, 1110 S. Grand Ave. Waukesha, WI 53186 from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Brewer attire is encouraged. Services continue Tuesday, at the funeral home with prayers at 9:45 AM followed by a procession to St. William Catholic Church, 440 N. Moreland Blvd. Waukesha for the funeral Mass at 10:30 AM. Interment will follow at St Joseph Cemetery.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Volcano Bay

I am not a big fan of water parks.  

But Volcano Bay?  Oh heck ya...sign me up!!!
Picture from Google

While we really wanted to go on New Years Eve day again, the weather was not going to cooperate. So we decided to go on December 30. The weather was still not great on the 30th --- we were on day 3,362 without seeing the sun (okay exaggerating) but a crazy amount of overcast/rainy days for this time of the year in Florida. However, the temp on the 30th was 80* compared to a projected high of 68* on the 31st. 

In trying to determine why I love Volcano Bay compared to other water parks, I came up with the following reasons...

- the water is heated!!! This makes ALL the difference in the world to me and is the MAIN reason I love this park. 

- The Fearless River

Throw on a life vest, jump in the HEATED water, and let the current push you along ---and along and along and along! 


Next time I will wear my sunglasses (or goggles). This time I did not and I found it impossible to keep my eyes open because there is a constant spray of water in your face.  Lesson learned. But it was still a great ride and tons of fun!

Lazy River

Same premise as the Fearless River except with inner tubes instead of life vests. Also, the current is much weaker. But very relaxing drifting along in the HEATED water. 

- Tapu Tapu

Zack and I will use any excuse to say "tapu tapu"

Another perk is it's not very busy this time of the year so the wait is not long for the slides. 

Important for me because I can't wait to get back in the HEATED water.  😆

Thursday, January 2, 2020

In the Blink of an Eye - The Cost of Love

Imagine you turn to your significant other from the front door of your home and voice some mundane mumbling about walking to the mailbox to get the mail, something you do nearly everyday, only this time, the outcome of that trip results in a situation from which you will never recover. 

In the blink of an eye, everything can change. 

This is my uncle (mom's brother)...Uncle Bob...he lives in Wisconsin. On New Years Eve he went out to his mailbox, slipped on some ice, and his head hit the ground resulting in a brain hemorrhage.

Initially, he was communicating - albeit confused with some memory loss - however, as the bleed advanced and progressed, he drifted into a coma and is now on life support. Doctors say he will not live through this. 

In fact, even as I type this, a meeting is being held to discuss options regarding discontinuation of life support. 

In other words - he NEEDS a miracle!  I have 100% faith and belief that this COULD happen. We are asking for this...begging for it. As smart as doctors are, their knowledge and capabilities are finite/limited. God's power is infinite/limitless/never-ending/absolute/inexhaustible/immeasurable. 

However, I am equally aware that this is OUR hearts desire. This may not be God's plan which, even when it doesn't accommodate our desires, is always perfect. 

My hope is that he knows he is LOVED!  Loved by many...wife, sons, daughter, grandchildren, sisters, nieces and nephews,cousins, and friends. 

I am so glad we were able to meet for dinner when he and his wife were in Orlando in October. Possibly our last hug; our last conversation this side of eternal life. 

I am so happy we could meet them at the Magic Kingdom for that one day in 2015. We had a wonderfully enjoyable day. 

I'm so glad he found his life partner and soul mate after a couple of failed marriages. They were incredibly blessed to have found each other. 

I am so glad they found time to travel and enjoy extended vacations. They truly enjoyed each other's company and were so young at heart.

Groomed by my grandfather, he was a huge Brewers fan. Living close to the stadium, I am glad he enjoyed many games - and even a halfway decent team in recent years. 

And I'm glad he got to enjoy the delight of being a grandparent. He has four grandchildren. The other two are older, but oh my goodness, they spoiled those two girls and showered them with a fervent love.  

I wish I could do something to take away the grief and sadness we will all experience from this loss. But that is the price of love. 

 "I could have missed the pain but I'd have had to miss the dance."

     - Garth Brooks ---The Dance