Monday, September 12, 2016

Weekend Recap

Eventually I hope to get back to blogging about more than just our weekends but, for now, school has been kicking my butt!

I love, love, love my kids!  but they are a handful.  I am pretty strict and require a lot from my kids as far as following directions, self control, and doing what they are supposed to be doing, and this morning was the very first time I could say that they acted nearly 100% the way I wanted them to. This afternoon was more like 70%...but was still an improvement over past days.  

Also, test results have confirmed what I have felt all along...that several of my little loves are functioning well below the 2nd grade level.  I attribute most of this to their tumultuous year last year but, at any rate, we have a lot of work ahead of us.   Thankfully, one of my absolute favorite things to do is to work with struggling kids!!!!
I love to see their growth and their looks of pride when they achieve new goals. 

Thursday after school, I drove to Daytona Beach.  We met my mom and dad at Wendy's and then I picked up Bonnie and we went to the funeral home.  Zack, Ollie, and I drove over to my parent's house to sleep overnight and I did 3 loads of laundry.

On Friday, the funeral was from 11-12.  As a whole, I am not fond of the Catholic Mass but, despite that, it was a nice celebration of his life.  We were going to stay for the luncheon but decided to leave and just eat at home sine my mom was having surgery later that afternoon and could not eat.  After packing up and grabbing a sandwich, we drove back to Orlando, picked up Jon, and headed home.  Jon helped Zack with his Math assignments and I cleaned.

Saturday I decided to try a new Target on John Young Parkway.  It is about the same distance as the one I normally go to but the area around the Millennia Mall is always sooooo busy and I was hoping this one would be easier to get to.  It was easier, but unfortunately, it was not a Super Target so the food choices were minimal.  Then Zack and I had a ball watching the Gators chomp up and spit out Kentucky!   I'm still unconvinced that they will be any good this year, but at least we got one fun game out of them.  

Sunday I watched some football and got things ready for the week ahead.  


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