Sunday, April 12, 2015

Our Florida Apartment (Most Likely)

It is not official yet but I am 99% sure that I have found our apartment in Orlando.

I am so grateful for Chris who was willing to do all the apartment hunting for me.  

There were several possibilities but in the end, this one made the most sense.
Monterey Lake Photo Large

Monterey Lake Photo Large
This is the floor plan

Pretty basic.  The biggest plus for me is that this apartment includes all utilities - as in air conditioning included! How nice it will be to have that air on in the summer and not have to worry about the electric bill.

The only thing that would stand in the way of us moving here is if there is not an available apartment when we need it.  Bit the property itself is pretty big and apartments are opening up continuously so I can't foresee that happening.  I am prepared to start a lease early if necessary. 

This apartment is within walking distance of Sea World just off the Central Florida Parkway and International Drive.  

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