Monday, April 20, 2015

The Return of the Medication

Zack has been off his ADHD medication for almost a year now and I'm not gonna's been rough.  

First, a little back story:  Zack had been on medication constantly since he was diagnosed with ADHD at just 8 years old.  About the time he turned 12.5 years he started complaining about having to take his pills every day but it was easy to talk him through these occasional issues and, most days, he'd happily take his medication.  Last year, however, was a mess!  He hated taking his pills with a passion and for the first time ever, he began hiding pills instead of taking them.  I found rogue pills in the back seat of the car, his backpack, his jeans pockets, and his sports bag during basketball season.  

So, after school ended last year, I didn't make an announcement or anything, but I stopped forcing him to take the pills.  I waited to see if he would take them on his own...but I already knew the answer...of course not!

With all that was going on in his little life lately, I decided to give him the control in this area of his life.  As I said, it's been rough.  School has been a boy who earned all A's and B's in an academically challenging school is barely squeaking by with C's and D's.  He is difficult to reason with and very unorganized and unfocused.  

So, we have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow with the intent of re-starting medication.  

It's time!

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