Friday, August 24, 2012


Friday...for the first time in perhaps two weeks I am feeling like I can come up for a breath of air.

But only briefly...Monday and Tuesday we head up north for retreat!

In a lot of ways, this past week has been one of the most active, busy, and stressful of my recent life.  

Three out of the past four days I have been on the go for 14-17 straight hours without any downtime.  And six of the last nine days...same thing!!!! CRAZY!!!

I am trying my best to enjoy having all three of the boys here...but I think they'd probably say that it's not going well at all.  It kills me to think that they'll probably remember this visit as the "one where mom went crazy."  

They are my life.

I'm hoping this weekend will be enough to give my battery a re-charge and that I will be able to make it through next week - seeing as I will be giving up my day off for the retreat!!!!!!

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The Grief Train

  To inject some kind of light-heartedness into our situation, I like to say that the grief train paid us a visit and just will not leave!  ...