Saturday, January 14, 2012

Not Great

This is how we spent our Saturday afternoon:

Here is the story:

When Jon finally woke up after his day-and-a-half sleep marathon he was in extreme pain.  I immediately knew...for I had seen this pain before...  Four years ago when (then) 16 year-old C.J. had a kidney stone.  
So we didn't waste much time heading into the ER (because of course this was 12:05 p.m. and our doctor's office closes at noon on Saturdays). Oh well, I'm pretty sure they would have sent us to the ER anyway.  

The first thing they did was get a urine sample from him and I was shocked to see his urine was completely red.  Everything was now pointing to a kidney stone.  

They started an IV of fluids - which was good for two reasons.  1). He was still very dehydrated, in fact, that the nurse had a lot of trouble even finding a vein.  2). The extra fluids on board will help him move liquids (and the kidney stone) out of his body quickly. 
 They started injecting some morphine in the IV as well but had to stop half way through because he was having an allergic reaction to it.  It was enough to take the edge off the pain though so they could move him to the CT room.

The CT scan did indeed reveal a 3mm stone near the mouth of the kidney - good news in that it is small enough to pass without any additional medical assistance.  

After the diagnosis, we had to wait for the fluids to finish before we could leave.

After filling his prescriptions he grabbed the pain pills and took one right there at the pharmacy counter. Ha.

Now, a couple hours later, the pill has kicked in and little bruthah is feeling AOK!  

So now...we wait...and pee in a strainer.

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