Saturday, January 28, 2012

Tournament Champions

This was a weekend of basketball with Zack pulling double duty by playing on the B team and the A team (the A team is the older kids).

Our B team won this tournament last year so right from the start they set out to defend their title...which wasn't going to be easy since one of the teams standing in their way was Fox Valley Christian Academy - who they had lost to twice this year already.

Our boys continued to display great team work and worked their way into the Championship game today at 2:00 and their opponents were...Fox Valley Christian Academy.

Were our boys intimidated?  NOT AT ALL!  They pulled together, played some amazing defense, and worked up a 16 point lead.  Fox Valley was not going down without a fight though and an offensive explosion brought them to within two points at the start of the 4th quarter.

This is where my little man came to life... scoring 8 of his 12 points, blocking two shots, and creating two turnovers in a three minute span to seal the win. (No medals this year...just a trophy)

And what does this team do after such a well-deserved victory?
Get on their knees and thank God...from whom all our blessings come.  

The A team didn't do so well...losing the consolation game at 4:00.

Zack is exhausted after playing 6 games in the last three days.  How do I know?  Well, it's 8:20 on a Saturday night and my little man is in bed asleep already!

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