Wednesday, October 7, 2015

HHN Continues

Not much to say...just enjoy the pictures. 

The Hulk - closed for refurbishment 

Seuss Trolley 

Line for bag also have to walk through a metal detector. 

Psychoscareapy: I love this lady. Sometimes she just points at the sky and other times she poses like this...either way she hardly moves at all!

Psychoscareapy Scare Zone

Pshycoscareapy Trick or Treating

Line heading into insidious

Insidious House (Facade) 

I bought a Jack pin

I think I've been through the houses enough times now to rank them. These may change by the time HHN is over.

1). Insidious
2). Body Collectors
3). American Werewolf in London
4). Asylum in Wonderland
5). Monsters and Mayhem 
6). Run
7). Freddy vs. Jason
8). The Purge
9). Walking Dead

 Side Note:
 I would probably rank Monsters and Mayhem higher if I was a past attending, die hard HHN person.  The entire premise of the house is to recreate houses of the past 25 years.  To a die hard fan (like C.J.) this house is amazing. To me it's just a random collections of rooms that are cool to walk through but have no meaning to me. 

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