Monday, December 15, 2014

Ah Yes...This Is My Day So Far

1st Period
8th Grade

- several students enter class and, based on the fact that papers have been passed out and keyboards are hidden, suddenly remember that their semester final is today.  Nevermind the fact that I handed out study guides last week on Monday - AND reminded them on Wednesday and Thursday that several left their study guides in the classroom and I put them in the class box in case they wanted them.  Nope!  It's much better to walk in on the morning of the final and then ask for a study guide to look over for five minutes.  "Sorry kids...threw them all out." Also had two monitors not working and an internet issue that needed fixing.

2nd period 
3rd Grade
- how mad can 3rd grade be - right?  Actually, they were good and they were doing something easy and fun so I didn't have to do much but crowd control...but I did find it funny when one girl raised her hand for help - only to ask me how many reindeer Santa had.

3rd period
6th Grade
- This class was a little more prepared for the final - or if they weren't, at least they didn't' say anything.  However, before giving out the final I gave explicit directions about turning in Powerpoints by the end of class today AND where to put the exam when they were finished.  YET, I still had 7 (of 13) ask what they should do with the test when they were finished. 

4th Period
- Free period for me.  Time to grade finals and look through PowerPoints...and time to get a visit from a 7th grade student asking questions about the excel final they will be taking next period.  Nevermind that I handed out a study guide last week Monday and offered Wednesday AND Thursday to help them with any questions they had during their free time.  Nope...he was not going to give up free time to get answers to any questions.  I felt like a big bad meany but I refused to help him.  

5th Period
7th Grade
- After the 6th grade debacle, I began class with a short but powerful speech on listening to the directions. They got the same directions about PowerPoint and where to the final exam when they were done.  All I can say is that at least they listened better than the 6th grade - this time only 5 (out of 14) came and asked me what they should do with their final exam after it was finished. 

AND----it's only 12:00 noon.  

Good thing I am done at 1:00 on Mondays.  

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