Monday, December 23, 2013

Day Four - 2013

Today was our annual Universal Studios day.  Because CJ works there he gets us in for free.  Then he also gets 50% off food and merchandise and free sodas and popcorn throughout the day.  Can't lose.

We started the day in Islands of Adventure but the only thing we did there was Cat in the Hat.

We were going to go on Spiderman but the wait was too long.

We walked over to Universal and spent the rest of the day there.

We did the usual things such as the Mummy, Men in Black, and ET

But we also were able to bi-pass a 100 minute wait and walk right on the new rise, Transformers.  CJ's old boss took us around the back and to the front of the pays to have connections.

There was also a new show about how make-up is applied on horror shows.  It was surprisingly funny. It also had a great display to look at while you waited for the show.

Chucky from Child's Play

Mask from the movie Halloween

from the movie Werewolf

the mother from the movie Psycho

We ate at Lombards again.  CJ and I had blackened salmon and Zack had fish and fries...excellent.

the butter at Lombards

It was 86* again today which may be a little hot for some people...but not me.  It was perfect.  We had a great day together.

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