Sunday, October 24, 2010

Regional Champions - Again

Back to Back regional championships by the Valley Christian girls' volleyball team. Way to go girls. God has certainly blessed this team, and Brad, their amazing coach, has once again turned them into a very competitive team. What amazes me the most is how this team, who comes from a tiny high school of roughly 75 - 80 students can compete with teams from high schools three and four times their size!

Anyway, the opposing team was the same team they faced last year in the regional championship game - St. Mary's Springs Catholic High School - and they were definately out for revenge. Not so apparent from the players themselves -- they were very good sports -- but the fans! Jeez, there were a group of boys that were rude and obnoxious, even to the point of laughing loudly and fooling around during the prayer at the end of the game.

No pictures this year as I had a "blonde moment". Thinking I had forgotten my camera, I stood around watching as photos were taken of the team with their championship plaque even commenting to someone how upset I was that I "left my camera at home." Only later, when looking for my keys, did I see my camera was in my purse the whole time. My, if only I had thought to look in my purse!

And on the subject of sports, my dearest friend in the world just finished her second year coaching Valley Christian's cross country team - and doing a fabulous job! I see in her eyes and her heart how much she cares about these runners. Great job on another great season, Carey.

On a different note, C.J. is home this weekend (so is Lauren, but she is home all the time). This time he came with his dad and they are going to Lambaeu Field tonight to watch another Brett Favre homecoming as the Vikings and Packers play. He is looking most forward to booing Favre. Sorry, Favre, it stinks to be a traitor!

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