Friday, October 15, 2010

Hello......'s been awhile, yes I know. Life is chugging along here at casa de Schneider/Koeck and October is already half gone. My subbing position ended last Friday but Zack needs to continue to attend school through the first quarter so that he can get a report card.. so... this week has been rather long and boring. I bring him to school at 9:15 and then countdown the hours until I can pick him up at 3:15. Truthfully, I have kept busy with scrapbooking, baking, cleaning, laundry, and shopping for deals. What I really want to do is paint Lauren's room (which is now red) but my perfectionist, obsessed husband (love you, honey) will not let me paint until he has a chance to to tape off and do the trim first. So, for know, that project remains undone.

In other full house news, C.J. will be home again next weekend (insert big smile)!!! This visit will be short though and packed with activities for him, including the Pakers/Vikings game Sunday night, but we will get together for breakfast - or lunch - or both. I'm just looking forward to seeing him again!

Jon received his ACT results and I am very proud to say he earned a composite score of 26!!! which wasn't good enough for him. Mostly, I think, because it didn't beat his brother's score of 27. So, he is taking it again in December. Ahh, sweet sibling rivalry. Most impressively, though, is that his science score was a 31. Whoa - he doesn't get that science brain from his mama! He loves any kind of science and has taken Biology, Advanced Biology, and is now taking Physics.

That is about it for current news from our crazy household, which has been a lot less crazy with two less kids. However, still crazy enough with just Jon and Zack...especially when they both decide to act like they're 2 years old at the same time. Yes, sad to say, it happens from time to time. But then, it must be a male thing because my husband will still ocassionally act like a toddler too!

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The Grief Train

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