Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Tuesday Thoughts

So another Halloween Horror Nights is in the books...and I miss it already.  The overall experience was so much different from last year. Mostly because I did not purchase a frequent fear pass this year and because I am working a full time job.  But just having the opportunity to go there and experience the atmosphere, the shows, and as many houses as the crowds would allow was enough for me.  If I was to rate the houses based purely on my experience only, it would be 1) Halloween 2). Tomb of the Ancients 3). Ghost Town 4). Texas Chainsaw Massacre 5). Krampus 6). Exorcist 7). Walking Dead 8). American Horror Story 9). Chance's House.  

The Exorcist was my favorite facade (very similar to this google image)
Image result for halloween horror nights exorcist facade

In other news, I got another student yesterday - *cough cough*.  Just when I had gotten my class to the point where my days were pretty easy and I had to do very little discipline, along comes a boy who had to be pulled out of the other 2nd grade because of his behavior and ---oh boy---he will keep me on my toes for a while that is for sure!    To say my students are not fond of him is an understatement so I definitely have some work to do.  

I am looking forward to my first "regular" paycheck next week.  It will be nice to finally catch up on some bills and have a little extra for food without having to go begging for help from my parents.  However, I can't breathe yet because it is still uncertain whether I will get paid for Thanksgiving and Christmas vacation and if not, it could literally break me.  I guess their rule is that you have to be a contract employee for two months before you get any vacation/sick time (which is sooooooooooo ridiculous) which I, of course, will not be.  But I am hoping they will take into account the fact that I have been working full time there for almost three months!!!! I would like to believe they will see it makes sense but, then again, the breaks haven't exactly been going my way lately.   

Middle son had a birthday the other day (the 6th) and, as cliche as it sounds, I cannot believe time has gone by so fast!  He keeps himself busy going to college (majoring in education) and working at Universal Studios.  Looking at him today you would never think he made my hair gray and my blood pressure skyrocket when he was younger!   

And that's all I have...

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