Sunday, January 20, 2013

Amazing Relief

So...right now we are in the below zero range for wind chill temps.  On tap for today is sitting in front of the fire and watching playoff football on the 55' T.V. which is now in HD. I don't have to remind you of my feelings about cold weather!!!

Instead, lets focus on something positive...something unbelievably positive!  The last entry about my lung and breathing issues revealed the lung scarring and I was beginning to wean off the high dose narcotic medication.  

The weaning is going very was a long process but I am now at the lowest dose before being off them completely.  Unfortunately, withholding the narcotics also meant a return of the pain so at my visit the doctor last week we discussed other options for me.  

The conversation went like this

Doc: "tell me exactly where the pain in and what it feels like."
Me: "I had pleurisy when I was younger and it was awful.  Now, it feels like I have pleurisy constantly...every, all.the.time."
Doc: "oh...I know what I can do for pleuritic pain."

And he prescribes an anti-inflammatory medication.

It is not a steroid but acts like I can be on it for a longer period of time.

I have been taking it now for 7 days and for the first time in what seems like forever...I do NOT HAVE PAIN in my back or shoulder!!!! Praise God.  

For the first time in a long time I can look over my left shoulder without feeling a stabbing pain in my upper back!  

Sadly, it has done little so far to help me feel like I can breathe easier...but just being without constant pain is such an amazing feeling!  

Folks, I really never believed it would happen.  I accepted that prescription with such skepticism because, let's be honest, I had tried hundreds of medications with no relief what-so-ever.

I don't want to go on and on...but it feels so good to,well, feel good!

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