Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Stream of Thoughts

If you haven't guessed by the title,  this post is going to be a collection of ramblings about life lately. Just a warning, it may or may not include ranting and negative vibes..

I called the University about the Spring start date and was told that, apparently, the graduate school for Counseling is a fall admit only.... let me repeat that... fall admit only!  They also informed me, during this converstaion, that I needed to have my file completely submitted by Tuesday (the 18th) - with NO exceptions - or would have to wait until Fall of 2012!!  Stress ensued as I raced to get my letters of recommendation, charater references, and resume together.  Then I also had to complete a questionairre and take a one hour, $75.00 analogy exam... which turned out to be the hardest... and dumbest... test that I have ever taken.  Seriously, at one point during the exam, I wondered if they were actually testing whether people would actually sit and complete it!  But I finished it... and tested out as completely average.... and I am pleased to say that my file is complete and has been submitted for consideration.  Now, I wait.

Crazy week as the Packers are playing the Bears in the NFC championship game on Sunday... facebook is full of trash talk and ill spirited jokes and comments.  No doubt these two teams have a heated rivalry going on but I can't help but wonder.... how important is this?  As a 5 year old boys is dying and his parents are spending their final days with him... how important is this.  Would these parents of this boy rather have an NFC championship or their son?  You don't need to answer that because I know what the answer would be...
LIFE= important....GAME= not important.
If interested.. check out this special little boy at

It is supposed to get cold,cold,cold in a couple nice!  If you don't know me... I hate absolutely despise cold weather.  After moving to Florida in 1999, I thought I was done with snow and cold weather forever!  But my wonderful husband someone whose name I will not mention convinced me a few years ago that winters in Wisconsin were not that bad anymore! 

After over a month without a game, Zack is back to basketball tomorrow night...followed by a weekend tournament.  Which is followed by his birthday on Monday!!  Is it really possible that he is going to 12?  Twelve years ago I was set to begin a maternity leave hoping to have about two weeks before he arrived to tie up some loose ends.... I ended up having 0 days as he arrived 17 days early!  

So, between the basketball tournament and birthday I am sure I'll have pictures soon.

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The Grief Train

  To inject some kind of light-heartedness into our situation, I like to say that the grief train paid us a visit and just will not leave!  ...