Sunday, September 13, 2015

I Made His Dream Come True

I was on facebook Saturday morning and because I 'like' the Florida Gators I get updates from them.  This particular update Saturday morning had a link to available tickets for that night's game. Having no expectations of finding affordable  tickets I clicked on the link and, well, YES there was!  

I was able to wake up my son with the news that we would not be watching the Gators game on TV that night but we would actually be watching the game- live in the Swamp!!!!

Our seats weren't too bad, I was expecting much worse. We were, of course, smack dab in the middle of the student section.  I was, at first, dreading this but it actually turned out okay.   The people we sat around were very us high fives when the gators made a good play....

which, I have to say, wasn't often.  It was a terrible game in the context of execution and discipline.  A lot of stupid penalties and an offense that was average at best.  I normally don't blame refs but they certainly didn't help the cause.  There were four major plays involving turnovers and big penalties and every single one of them went against the gators.  Neutral commentators on the TV agreed - the calls were bad. 

They ended with the win so there's at least that. But ugly man... just ugly.

It was also one of the longest games in the history of football - or maybe it only felt that way. It started at 7, we left at 10, and it was still only the end of the 3rd quarter. 

This is not fog but rather smoke from fireworks set off after a pick 6.    I can't believe they allowed the kickoff to take place

Who could even see the ball through all that smoke?

Link to kickoff

Link to Gator TD

Such fun..hopefully there will be many more games through the years.  

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