Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Day Twenty (and final day)

Is it possible to be lonely when you're not alone?  I am now home, in my warm and cozy apartment, with my youngest son and my dog, but I long so badly to be with all my boys.  And I miss C.J. being here so much that I cried. 

These feelings only serve to reassure me that I am making the right decision to move back to Florida.  After spending the past month with C.J, Jon, my mom, my dad, and my sister, I now feel so alone up here.  

Well...to make the narrative of the day short and simple, we left Scottsburg, Indiana at 9:00 this morning and arrived home at exactly 5:00.  The drive was much easier than last year but still a little shaky.  Once again there was no plowing in northern Indiana and quite a few vehicles were in the ditches.  Including one truck that spilled an entire load of lumber on I65 southbound and the interstate was closed. 

Pictures from the day:
28* leaving Scottsburg, Indiana

No snow in southern Indiana

A little snow in middle Indiana

Columbus, Indiana

Cars in the ditch everywhere

It would help if they plowed their roads

Northern Indiana - even more snow

Truck in the ditch and lumber all over the road

Traffic on I65 south at a stand still

Eventually routed traffic off the interstate

Welcome to Illinois

Getting close

I've always loved this little assisted living community

BORING scenery of Wisconsin

Home to 10* and 1,329 miles (my odometer resets at 1,000)

At exactly 5:00

And, of course, it's dark out already

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Screaming From the Lion's Den

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