Thursday, September 19, 2013

On My Nerves

When I was my former self I had an amazingly high pain tolerance. After I had my second and third child I never took any kind of pain medication.  Neither did I take anything after I had my wisdom teeth out or surgery on my hand.  I even had a ruptured cyst with internal bleeding and had no pain medication besides the initial shot I was given in the ER.

My former self felt so strong and I could tolerate any pain because I knew it wouldn't last forever and that each day I would feel better and stronger.  

That's why having fibromyalgia SUCKS!!!! Nothing ever gets any better.  Every day brings pain and you just have to put on a happy face and drag yourself through the day so no one will really see that your former self is now gone.  

Thanks to the addition of a new friend called nerve pain, depression has really taken hold of me this past week or so.  

If you interested in reading about my lovely new friend you can read about it here.

If I ever questioned before whether I had fibromyalgia...I don't anymore.  The sharp shooting pains that coarse through my body are unmistakable. 

It's usually in my upper right leg but can also occur in my foot, back, arm, side, and ears. I don't actually count how many times it happens but I would guess an average of 50-75 times a day during my awake hours.  Yeah...tons of fun.  

I started a new medication today that has shown promise in about 80-85% of patients with fibromyalgia. Again, if you are interested you can read about here:

  I don't really like to take anything without knowing what it is so I came home and googled it before taking one.  The accolades given by people with fibromyalgia who take this medicine were impressive.

I am praying hard and hopful that this will work for me as well. 

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