Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Another September 11th

In December of 2000, Zack - then only 22 months old - and I were trying to get back to Florida from what was supposed to be a short visit to Wisconsin.

Unfortunately the ear infections he developed while in Wisconsin were prohibiting us from flying home.  After a 9 day trip had extended to nearly three weeks and the ears were not getting better...I decided we needed to Amtrak it home.

Our rail return routed us through New York City and due to more unfortunate circumstances, we were forced to stay overnight in the city.  

As we left Grand Central Station the next morning, I caught a glimpse of the World Trade Center.  I remember thinking they were massive.  They towered above the rest of the skyscrapers in the city.  I was in awe.

Less than a year later, they were gone.  Our nation was changed forever by the horrific events on September 11, 2001.

I still choke up watching television programs about that day.  Even now, 12 years later, I remember that whole day so clearly it feels as if it could have happened just yesterday.  

The school my boys went to taught them to sing the song "I'm proud to be an American" and we, as a nation, picked ourselves up, dusted off, and carried on.

And even in the ashes of devestation and destruction....God reminded us of his presence and power...two steel beams left in the form of a cross!

We remember today and always...all the innocent victims on the airplanes or at the jobs in the Pentagon and World Trade Center that day.  And all the policeman and fireman (and others) who lost their lives also doing their jobs.

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