Sunday, April 29, 2012

Date Night

Every year our school puts on an all school production.  This usually involves the drama students in middle and high school and any students in grade 1-5 that want to participate - although this year I noticed that there were no 1st or 2nd graders involved.

This year, the chosen production was Suessical the Musical.  

It is a complex amalgamation of Dr. Suess's most famous books.

I was planning to take Z. and decided to make it a complete date night by starting with dinner at Taco Bell (cheap date).

It is so hard to get a good picture of Z.  If I act real fast I can get one like this:
But only one...then he does something like this:

The play was very good...I am always amazed by the amount of talent that exists in our small school.  Sadly, we were not allowed to take pictures during the show, but I got some after the show.

And Matt looking so professional working the sound board.

It was a nice date night.

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