Sunday, March 27, 2011

Three and Three

Before there were these three:

There were these three:

Who now look more like this:

These three boys took up much of my time while I was younger... and I wouldn't have had it any other way.  The one on the left is the oldest (this photo was taken at his wedding) and I began watching him when he was just 8 months old.  Only from time to time at first...  but as the years progressed and the other two came along, I helped rear them four nights a week....including feeding them dinner and putting them to bed... and all day on Saturdays, while their parents were starting up a business.  I did this for 8 years until I was married and had my own children.
These three (and their parents) became like family!  I hauled these boys all over the city of Oshkosh while babysitting and grew to love them as much as you can love kids who aren't your own.

Now that I have my own kids, I sometimes feel overwhelmed at the depth of trust that their parents had in me while I was still just a teenager.... sometimes traveling for days at a time entrusting them in my care.  I didn't really understand that depth at the time.  For me it was just fun... a bit like playing house...but now!!!  Wow!!! 

I'm not sure where I am really going with this except that today I attended a baby shower for the oldest one's baby.  And again, I felt overwhelmed and so,so gracious and  grateful that I was able to be a part of their lives.  

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