Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Stream of Thoughts

Three more days till we are all together again!  I pick C.J. up at the airport Saturday early in the morning and he will stay for his week of Spring Break.....yeah... it is actually spring in Florida right now.  Maybe not the actual season of Spring... but definately in weather.    

Ahh yes, this was always my favorite time of the year when we lived in Florida.  From the beginning of March to the beginning of June most years we were at Disney every weekend!  The weather was always an awesome 75-80* with no humidity and very little rain.  I sure do miss those days.  The fact that we would go every week (and usually always to EPCOT) meant that we were under no stress to get on certain rides or do certain things.... it was more about spending time together...even the rides home provided memorable times as  we would listen to 70's Saturday night and the station would ALWAYS play YMCA  at exactly 10:00 - just the time we would be driving through downtown Orlando... this would be followed by the Meatloaf song "Glowing Like the Metal on the Edge Of A Knife."  Then the boys would fall asleep and I would have to carry them up to our second story apartment and tuck them in bed once we got home.
Good memories!

Life is moving along here at casa Schneider/Koeck.  Basketball season is over... and none too soon as I eye the gas prices on the rise each day.  The focus now is on forging ahead with home-schooling and getting financial aid applications in for our various colleges.  The thought of four of us in college next year is a little bit overwhelming.  

As I think about next year I am almost certain I am going to try to get back into a classroom.  I seriously never thought I'd miss teaching as much as I do.... I went into the fourth grade last week to teach the Constitution and about the Electoral College.. just because I wanted to.. and I really felt the sting of it all. Of course, Oshkosh Christian will always be my first choice for a place to work... but I will not limit myself to them.  And if the governors new budget goes into effect... there is likely to be many public school teaching jobs. 

That is all for now.  Please continue to pray for the McRae family as Kate begins treatment today in Houston.  They are facing terrible odds.... but we all  know that GOD is mighty and powerful and odds mean nothing compared to Him.

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