Thursday, March 7, 2024


 I always considered naming my child to be a very significant responsibility.  After all, this is not only the name your "baby" will have, but this is a name your child will hold throughout school - while being addressed by teachers and peers - and then take into adulthood where they will be addressed in the workplace by co-workers, bosses, and others.

My husband and I did not quite see eye to eye on names at the time because he wanted names that would sound good for his son when he would one day became a big star quarterback for Notre Dame.  He was also big on alliteration so the names he would throw out - like Kit or Kellen  which would fit the alliteration bill with Koeck  - were instantly vetoed by me because, you know, what if he DIDN'T grow up to be a famous sports star and just had to live in "the real world".  Right?  

With the far out-of-the-box names suggested by my husband, it is a wonder we agreed on mainstream common names like Christopher, Jonathan, and Zachary. 


I've noticed a couple trends lately that I am NOT a fan of.  Far be it for me to suggest that my opinion is right, but this is MY blog and I am going to express My opinion on My blog (which no one really reads anyway...haha)


What is this movement to give what have been traditional "boy" names to girls now.  I've noticed many people have begun to give their girls names like Noah, Tyler, and James.  And just recently, I've seen baby girls named Clarke, Wesley, Beckham, and Slate. James has become wildly popular as a girl's middle name ---- and I'm just not digging it. Also, as a teacher who is handed a roster (which doesn't list gender) weeks before the kids are back to school, I would probably go about planning for male students if I saw those names. 


"Trendy" or "trailblazing" names that seem to be for social media attention.  The following is a list of names I have seen on social media lately and I am not impressed with ANY of them.

- Banjo (boy)

- Marna (girl)

- Maple (girl)

- Graylee (girl)

- Kilmer (boy)

- Bronx (boy)

- Collins (girl)

- Prescott  (girl)

- Boyer (boy)

- Haven (girl)

- Suede (boy)

In my media wanna-be influencers desperate for comments on their children's "unique" names. Parents fishing for social media validation and then the poor child will have to live with that name the rest on their life!

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