Monday, January 1, 2024

2023 In Review

 I did this last year and enjoyed looking back at it, so I thought it was worth taking the time to do it again.

1). What did you do in 2023 that you have never done before?

Unfortunately, it is so negative, but I would have to say ---had a "heart attack" and a hearth catheterization test.  Thankfully, everything turned out well.  

2). Did you keep your New Year's Resolution(s) and will you make one for next year?

This year, my resolution was to keep up with the cost of tolls and I'm pleased to say that I was pretty successful.  It was such an easy process to register my car this year because I wasn't scrounging for money to pay off tolls.  I am a natural procrastinator though, so I picked up my registration on November 28th (I had until the 30th).  In my defense though, I had intended to get it done during my Thanksgiving break, but the wait when I went to the DMV was over 2 hours!  So, instead, I ordered it online and picked it up from a DMV near my school - easy peasy!  

This year, my resolution will be to read my Bible more. 

3). Did anyone close to you give birth?


Did anyone close to you die?

Sadly, this is a yes this year.  See here

A dear, dear childhood friend. 

4). What would you like to have in 2024 that you did not have in 2023?

Once again I am going to answer financial stability.  I changed schools, signed a nice contract, and things were looking pretty good as my paychecks were going to be about $250 more a month!  Then, I was handed my new lease and found out my rent (which has never gone up by more than $50 a month...went up by $190 a month!  Between bonuses and working extended day, I still managed to put together a little savings account.  But after spending $400 in car repairs this month, that is now gone.  *eye roll*

5). What events from 2023 will remain etched upon your memory?

Obviously it would be my health journey.  This has been a year filled with the lowest points (cellulitis, two admits to the hospital in June) to the highest points (meeting Dr. Dyal and starting immunotherapy).  As of yesterday, I was declared in remission after having no evidence of psoriasis anywhere and having three blood draws in a row that came back with inflammation levels in the normal range.  I am so grateful.

6). What was your biggest accomplishment this year?

This year I again would have to say ending with another successful school year.  I was so stressed all year because the class I had was not quite as motivated as my class the year before.  I also inherited some kids who were reading way behind grade level.  Add to that difficult behaviors to manage and I was not hopeful they would perform well on the end of the year PM tests.  But they did!  On the STAR Math, most of the kids tested out in the 4-5 grade range.  

7). Did you suffer illness or injury ?

YES!  The beginning of the year was awful as my immune system shifted into gear and drove over my body over and over again.  I had numerous infections, fever, vomiting, and two heart related issues that led to  2-night and 3-night hospital stays. Thankfully, my heart tests all came back perfect which led to the diagnosis of severe inflammation cutting off the blood supply to my heart. I also had what I would consider moderate psoriasis on my feet, legs, back, and elbows.  On July 28 I began immunotherapy treatment  (Methotrexate) and it has been a complete game changer for me.  

8). Where did all your money go?

I would have to say medical bills and, once again, my car.  I had to replace the brake pads, two tires, and the battery. 

9). What did you get the most excited about?

That one is easy - teaching in a Christian school setting again.  I love sharing God's word and Jesus with little ones.  While it was very difficult to leave Hope Charter because I loved teaching there, it was exciting to be in a Christian School again.  Just a crazy side note but 8 years ago, when I began teaching at Kids Community College, I would pass my school every day and wish so badly that Zack could go there, but I didn't think there was any way I'd be able to afford the tuition. 

10). How did you spend Christmas?

Christmas Eve we always go to my parents house and stay overnight.  This year, we had two extra passengers as Jon and his girlfriend, Prachi, came along.  On Christmas Eve we always have meatballs (which my dad makes), raw shrimp, and some other appetizers.  Then we pile in the car and look at Christmas lights.  The weather cooperated this year, so we went to the Towne Center and walked through their light display. The it's home for a night of The Christmas Story.  

On Christmas Day, Jon and Prachi cooked a wonderful meal of stuffed shells, spaghetti, asparagus, and bread.  My mom was in a poor mood and the weather did not cooperate for the boys traditional shuffleboard game, so we left earlier than usual.  I cam home and put the mounds of laundry away. 

11).What did you want and get in 2023?

Good Health for my family, and an answer to what was wrong with me.

12). What did you want and not get 2023?

No problems with my car.  Nothing big went wrong (like last year), but between two new tires, new brake pads, and oil change, a new battery terminal (which was only a $10 part but I had to pay a $200 diagnostic fee), a new battery, and registration, I probably put close to $1,000 in the car between October and end of the year.