Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Fibromyalgia Update

It has been a long, long time since I have talked about my journey living with fibromyalgia. 

It's hard to believe that five years ago at this time I was about to go through the most difficult summer of my life.  My doctor had just taken me off of the Diclofenac because my liver levels had spiked tremendously.  This was a huge disappointment because it was actually helping control the pain more than the Vicodin had.  

Diclofenac is a high dose anti-inflammatory medication and was prescribed in February of that year when a blood test indicated my inflammation level was at 39.  Although I did not yet have a diagnosis, that test was conclusive proof that something was going on inside my body.  A month later, the pain was under control and my doctor was encouraging telling me he had patients who had been on this medication for years with no problem.  Because Diclofenac is filtered through the liver, it requires periodic blood tests to check on the enzyme levels in the liver.  Unfortunately for me, my very first blood test, while revealing a healthy decrease in my inflammation levels (down from 39 to 13), also showed an alarmingly high level of enzymes in my liver.  My doctor made me discontinue immediately and warned me never again to take medication filtered through the liver because of how quickly the enzyme level rose.  

This eliminated a lot of other possible medications that may have helped and so within a week, I was back on the Vicodin.  The Vicodin was not helping much so I moved up to Lortab.  

My summer consisted of regular doses of Lortab while applying jars of Icy Hot - going through 3-4 jars a week.  Through all this, the pain was still so intense.  

Then, in September, two things happened that would change my life.  I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia (on the 5th) and started Tramadol (on the 19th).  

Almost five years later I remain completely pain free. One would wonder if I truly have Fibromyalgia since I am so free from pain (many are not so fortunate) but trust me when I say, I KNOW I DO.  First, there are the classic tender points.Even the slightest touch causes pain.  Also, the couple of times I have tried to cut back on the Tramadol, the all too familiar throbbing, pulsating pain has returned.  

So, I remain on 6 pills a day..1 at 7am, 11am, 2:00pm, 6:00 pm, and 2 at 10:00 pm.   I have been at this dose for well over 3 years now without needing an increase and live a normal, pain-free life. 

Very blessed.   

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