Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Final Countdown

13 days....just 13 days.... and then school will be out... for most, it will be a summer break... three months (almost) off and then they will be back for another year...for me, however, it is the end of my time here at Oshkosh Christian School. The three and a half years I have been here have been some of the best of my life. Volleyball Games, Basketball Games, Fun Fridays, having C.J. and Zack here with me, and the best of all.... growing in my walk with God. I am coming to the end of an era..teaching job over, homeschooling Zack, and in just a short month, C.J. will no longer be living under my roof....ever....ever again! It is too surreal to wrap my brain around

So, the next few weeks I will be finishing up a school year, finishing up a job, finishing up an era. My first born will graduate from Valley Christian High School and my step-daughter will graduate from Omro High School. They will both be leaving for college. Our full house will be a little less fuller.. but not less busy! And my walk with God will be very important now because I will need Him more than ever to help me get through this difficult time.

The Grief Train

  To inject some kind of light-heartedness into our situation, I like to say that the grief train paid us a visit and just will not leave!  ...