Well, here we are two weeks after my last blog post and still no USB cord. ARG! That makes me mad. I nomally put it in the top drawer of the dresser next to my bed. Of course, the last time I used it I put it in the utility drawer downstairs in the kitchen - while in the back of my mind I'm thinking "I should bring this upstairs and put it in my room." But I did not listen to myslef and the USB cord is no longer there. What is so miraculous is that NO ONE has touched it or seen it.... yeah, right.
Anyway, I'm on Easter break from school and for the first time ever I am alone (except for my wonderful husband...oh, and the dog.) All three of the boys are in Florida with their dad/Chris and Lauren is in London for a school trip. I am bored and lonely.... but I have a very clean house. Um, except for the laundry... which has piled up since our dryer went on the fritz Saturday morning. We finally got a new one (and washer too) today so now I have about 10-15 loads of laundry to do.
This time of the year is always very reflective for me. From the beginning it has been important that my children know the meaning behind Easter... that Jesus is our Savior.. and that he came into this world, suffered and died, rose from the dead to conquer death so that we could have eternal life. Think about the meaning of those words: it amazes me how many people live their lives without thinking about the ONE certainty in life... that one certainty is that we are ALL going to die. Then what? Is that the end? NO! Thanks to the sacrafice of Jesus, it is only the beginning...the beginning of eternal life in the kingdom of God. Did Jesus have to suffer severe humiliation, pain, and suffering? No, he did it to fulfill the scriptures; all that had been written and recorded about him. He did it for me... he did it for you! So, that is what Easter means to me... what's it to you?