Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Way Too Long!

*Pictures added on June 8th*
It has been way too long since I have updated and I really have no excuse... at least not a good one. I admit that I am hung up on Facebook and spend most of my time playing Farmville or My Town. So, that's t it... I am not too busy at home... not too busy at school... just doin what I enjoy!

Actually, I have been wanting to do an update on the pastor appreciation chapel we had at school a couple weeks ago. The kids sang the song "thank you for giving to the Lord" while putting on a little presentation acting out the words. Zack played Jesus and I got some great pictures.... but cannot find my USB cord to download them to the computer. Arg! What is that saying... "if your head weren't attatched to your head..." so true! Anyway, our pastor was there which made Zack very happy and I believe it is so important for the kids to let the pastors know just how important they are.

In other news, my oldest son, C.J. is battling MRSA again - second time this year. He had it in June but we did not know what is was at first. So, by the time we got him to the doctor, it was out of control, about the size of a ping pong ball. It had to be lanced and he had three weeks of antibiotics. Although I believe it was more like four weeks before it finally went away. This time, he knew the symptoms and told me last night, as soon as the boil started. It is still small enough (even thouh it even grew overnight) that it did not have to be lanced and only one week of strong antibiotics should take care of it. It always scares me though, that MRSA has been an antibiotic resistant infection and life threatening for some. Also, the fact that 2 local teens have died suddenly after short illnesses in the past 10 days, shakes me to the core. One of the teens had a confirmed bacterial infection (?)

Spring Break is quickly approaching. This year, I am anticipating, will be a rough one. I will be, for the first time in my life, without all three of my boys for the whole 9 days. They will all leave for Florida on Good Friday and not come back until the next Sunday. Last year they all went to Florida too, but then s did Jerry and I. We all left and returned on the same day. This year, I will be all alone in the house - except for the dog - and Jerry when he is not working. Who knows, I am dreading it now but may turn out to enjoy the peace and quiet. On the bright side, when I clean, I know it will stay that way for longer that a few minutes.

Well, I'll post those pictures when I find the cord.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Last night the boys and I were playing a game in the living room and Ollie had been in the kitchen whinning. I didn't want to put him out because he was still wet from a bath so I yelled at him to be quiet....and quiet he was! When the game was over and we walked in the kitchen, this is what we found!

The Grief Train

  To inject some kind of light-heartedness into our situation, I like to say that the grief train paid us a visit and just will not leave!  ...